
Key questions for youth-serving nonprofits considering capacity building activities:

  1. What kinds of needs for improvement do we have at the present time?
  2. Are we ready to build capacity to meet these needs better?
    • Do we have the resources (financial, personnel, etc.) to undertake capacity building?
    • Are we agreed among staff, board and executive director about the need for capacity building and the right way to do it?
    • Is anything else happening in our organization or in the community that we should take account of in planning for capacity building? (other major changes or capacity building efforts happening at the same time, a crisis or problem that is absorbing all our energy, etc.)
  3. Who will lead the capacity building work inside our organization?
  4. How will we find the capacity building information or technical assistance to help us?
  5. How will we know when we succeed?

Specific subject areas in which capacity building may be needed include: