

A number of grantees receive capacity-building support through DSYF’s main funding area. DSYF believes so strongly in this work that we established a separate Capacity Building Initiative that builds on our regular grantmaking. The Initiative reflects DSYF’s commitment to strengthening youth-serving nonprofits in Los Angeles County — helping them achieve their missions by offering grant support for such purposes as staff training, fundraising capabilities, creation of new staff positions, board training, facilities development, and technology purchases. We trust that organizations know what they need to build on their strengths. We also provide regularly updated information resources about capacity building on our website, along with a self-assessment instrument for youth-serving agencies.

DSYF periodically convenes nonprofits and funders in Southern California to explore the challenges of capacity building for youth-serving agencies in our region.

Youth-serving nonprofits can apply for grant funds to support capacity-building activities of their choosing; these requests will be considered independent of any program requests, and you may ask for both program and capacity-building support at the same time. Capacity-building grants are only available to current or previous DSYF grantees. Organizations awarded a capacity building grant are eligible to reapply after five years.

The maximum grant amount that can be requested for capacity building is $25,000.

