Donor Connection Guide: Why Engagement Isn’t Enough
Strong donor relationships are the cornerstone of successful nonprofit fundraising. Traditional engagement strategies, however, can feel transactional – failing to create the deep, meaningful connections that drive long-term impact. This guide by Mallory Erickson is intended to shift the perspective from mere engagement to genuine connection, offering insights and practical steps to foster lasting relationships with a nonprofit’s donors.
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Everyday Actions, Extraordinary Potential: The Power of Giving and Volunteering
With rare exceptions, year over year in recent times, more money has been given to nonprofits but by fewer givers. And year over year, more hours have been donated to nonprofits but by fewer volunteers. The decline in giving and volunteering rates over the last decade has sometimes been overshadowed by an increase in aggregate dollars and hours donated—termed the “dollars up, donors down” dynamic—yet it has attracted increased attention in recent years. The Generosity Commission is an independent project of The Giving Institute and Giving USA Foundation, and in its 2024 annual report on these trends, the statistics are followed by recommendations for closing the gap – they include ideas for how to better promote giving and volunteering in the United States; opportunities to shape and inspire generosity through changes in culture; and calls to better understand and measure diverse forms of generosity.
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Understanding Generosity: A Look at What Influences Volunteering and Giving in the United States
This research report is focused not on the rates of volunteering and giving, but on what environmental and behavioral factors influence decisions about donations of time (volunteering) and donations of money (giving) to charitable organizations. These are two of the most common forms that generosity traditionally takes, and the research results indicate that the decision to give or volunteer is likely to depend on personal circumstances, social connections and community characteristics. The 2023 report is by Nathan Dietz and Robert T. Grimm, and comes from the DoGood Institute in the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland. The researchers used multilevel modeling methods, which allowed them to estimate the influences of both micro-level and macro-level variables, controlling for all other factors.
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Giving USA 2024: The Annual Report on Philanthropy
Giving USA 2024: The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2023 is the latest edition of the longstanding annual report on American philanthropy, which found that U.S. charitable giving totaled $557.16 billion in 2023. The overarching finding is that in 2023 giving reached a high in current dollars but did not outpace inflation. Results are provided for giving by individuals, bequests, foundations and corporations. This article gives highlights of the full report, which can be purchased from Giving USA.
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In Abundance: An Analysis of the Thriving Landscape of Collective Giving in the U.S.
In Abundance: An Analysis of the Thriving Landscape of Collective Giving in the U.S. explores the transformative impact of collective giving on philanthropy. Practiced in cultures all around the world, collective giving brings people together to pool their resources, including time, talent, treasure, testimony, and ties — often referred to as the 5Ts. Groups like giving circles, SVP chapters, giving projects, and nonprofit-led circles have long served as democratic and philanthropic learning hubs — bringing historically marginalized voices into philanthropic decision-making spaces, challenging preconceived notions of who is considered a philanthropist, and elevating members as integral actors in the sector’s efforts to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in giving. Data were gathered and the report prepared by a partnership between the Johnson Center, Colmena-Consulting, and Philanthropy Together, and findings underscore collective giving groups’ role in reshaping philanthropic practices, fostering social connections, and amplifying the voices of marginalized communities.
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The 2024 State of Grantseeking Report
The 2024 State of Grantseeking Report spotlights recent developments in funding so that nonprofit organizations can be more strategic in their grantseeking. The free report serves as a valuable analytic tool for organizations to review their grantseeking efforts, report on performance, and plan for the future. The report contains leading-edge information and is a key analytics tool for all organizations. It features data by organizational budget size, mission focus, and government vs. non-government funding. Over 2,300 nonprofit leaders responded to the survey.
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The 2024 National Study on Donor Advised Funds
The 2024 National Study on Donor Advised Funds includes information about Donor Advised Funds from 2014 to 2022, covering aspects such as account size, age, type, succession plan, donor demographics, contributions, grants, payout rates, and grantmaking speed. The report represents the most extensive independent study on DAFs to date. Thanks to the collective efforts of 111 DAF programs that voluntarily provided anonymized data to the research team, the dataset covers nine years of activity from more than 50,000 accounts, with over 600,000 inbound contributions to DAFS and more than 2.25 million outbound grants from Donor Advised Funds.
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Five Signs Your Nonprofit is Ready to Reach a Bigger Community
Five Signs Your Nonprofit is Ready to Reach a Bigger Community highlights the different ways nonprofit leaders can improve and expand their organization’s reach and impact through marketing activities. This article for Blue Avocado by Danny Burke and Lauren Kobylarz describes five signs that a nonprofit is ready for a more intensive marketing effort (and also ways to begin brainstorming about how to do so) – it has inspirational stories, it has already developed some initial capacity for marketing, the nonprofit is attracting attention, marketing appears in the organization’s strategic plan, and there is some awareness of how such an effort can benefit the community a nonprofit serves.
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Raise More Funds by Building Trust Online
Raise More Funds by Building Trust Online is an article for TechSoup by Amy Hooper, who argues that it is easy to underestimate the importance of trust in fundraising. Not only do a nonprofit’s donors trust that a nonprofit will put their money in the right places, but they also rely on the nonprofit to process their donation securely and protect them from cyberthreats. By making small changes to the nonprofit’s online website and brand, you can show prospective donors that you are taking care of their personal and financial details.
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The Art of Grant Budgeting: A Guide for Nonprofit CFOs
This article by Mary Diegert for Blue Avocado describes the process a nonprofit CFO goes through when putting together grant proposal budgets, and how good budgeting can have an impact on potential funders. It includes a number of suggestions for how to create a budget that responds to the interests and priorities of a funder, as well as suggestions about the more technical aspects of budgeting.
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5 Steps To Better Email Marketing For Nonprofits
This article reviews five steps a nonprofit can take to invigorate its email marketing activities. The strategies discussed are game-changers that can help the organization achieve a significantly higher ROI from an email campaign.
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7 Things Nonprofit Leaders Can Say To Funders To Effectively Manage Limited Resources
Many nonprofit executives have difficulty setting boundaries with funders, such as saying no to requests for activities that cannot be adequately supported by the amount of funding provided. Nonprofit leaders are encouraged in this article to assert their expertise and knowledge of their area of work, demanding what is now called “trust-based philanthropy” from funders. Seven specific statements nonprofit executives can make to funders are described, including “we’re allowed to say no” and “we are the experts, and you need to trust us.” By asserting themselves in these ways, nonprofit executives can shift power dynamics and reduce the burden of unrealistic expectations from funders.
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Giving USA Annual Report – Press Release
In the Giving USA annual report on philanthropic giving, it is reported that total US charitable giving declined in 2022 to $499.33 billion, following two years of record generosity – the first drop in four decades. Other main trends from the report are summarized in this press release by the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. A copy of the full report can be purchased from Giving USA.
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How to Craft a Data-driven Social Media Strategy for Your Nonprofit
Creating a social media strategy can feel overwhelming. There is so much expert advice out there about how much to post, what types of content are the best, and how to reach new audiences. This advice is often aimed at organizations with dedicated social media folks, or even teams of them. This article details different ways smaller nonprofits may craft a data-driven social media strategy.
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3 Steps to Create a Successful Monthly Giving Program
A nonprofit relies on donations to power its day-to-day operations, from providing essential services to the community to launching new programs and events. However, once these donations are received, is everything possible being done to retain donors for the long term? Many nonprofits struggle to engage existing donors and encourage those they acquire to continue to give year-round. One way to confront this issue is by setting up a monthly giving program. When donors sign up for monthly giving, they’ll automatically donate a certain amount to the nonprofit each month. A monthly giving program can help establish a reliable revenue stream for nonprofits.
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How to Use Email Drip Campaigns to Increase Donations
Donations from individual supporters are an extremely important part of a diversified fundraising strategy for many nonprofit organizations. Increasing donations is an important goal for most organizations. However, maintaining the right cadence of communication can be difficult. Drip campaigns are an effective tool to ensure that a nonprofit stays top-of-mind with potential donors and past donors throughout the year.
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Monthly Giving Can Help Nonprofits Weather Economic Uncertainty. Here’s How to Do It Well
In this article, author Rasheeda Childress highlights the multiple reasons nonprofits should begin and promote monthly giving programs. The benefits include reliable income, high retention rates, and the opportunity to encourage supporters to become major donors in the future.
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3 Steps to Create a Successful Monthly Giving Program
A nonprofit relies on donations to power its day-to-day operations, from providing essential services to the community to launching new programs and events. However, once these donations are received, is everything possible being done to retain donors for the long term? Many nonprofits struggle to engage existing donors and encourage those they acquire to continue to give year round. A great way to confront this issue is by setting up a monthly giving program. When donors sign up for monthly giving, they’ll automatically donate a certain amount to the nonprofit each month. A monthly giving program can help establish a reliable revenue stream for nonprofits.
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7 Tips for Fundraising on Social Media
In our increasingly interconnected world, about 82 percent Americans use some form of social network. Social media has become an important channel that nonprofits can use to boost their outreach and fundraising capabilities. Social media is a powerful tool to build relationships with supporters and influencers, relationships that will lead to successful nonprofit fundraising. This article contains a list of tips your organization can use to create and launch an effective fundraising campaign that includes social media.
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Ethical Fundraising
Transparency inspires confidence. Beyond what the law requires, nonprofits can demonstrate their commitment to ethical practices by being entirely transparent with financial information and fundraising practices.
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How to Use Email Drip Campaigns to Increase Donations
Donations from individual supporters are an extremely important part of a diversified fundraising strategy for many nonprofit organizations. Increasing donations is an important goal for most organizations. However, maintaining the right cadence of communication can be difficult. Drip campaigns are an effective tool to ensure that a nonprofit stays top-of-mind with potential donors and past donors throughout the year.
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BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Report 2022
BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Report 2022 assesses the philanthropic landscape, levels of giving over the past five years and donor behavior to provide insights, context, and benchmarks. This report provides analytics and observations on the charitable gift annuity (CGA) and charitable remainder trust (CRT) activity during the calendar year 2021 for 101 nonprofit organizations and the BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund. It includes statistics related to life income or planned gifts. Organizations represented included education (56%); faith-based (20%); social services/other (14%); cultural (6%); and healthcare (4%). Data for the report is based on completed gift records in BNY Mellon’s database as of March 30, 2022.
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Four Essential Tips to Make Your Nonprofit Mobile Friendly
What does it mean to make a nonprofit organization mobile friendly? From the organization’s website and emails to landing and donation pages, turning a nonprofit into a mobile-friendly one requires focusing on all aspects of its work.
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How Nonprofits Can Unleash the Power of Data to Create a Better World for Women
For centuries, women have struggled to break free of oppression and second-class citizenship. While charitable giving to address this problem is on the rise, philanthropic support for women’s and girls’ organizations is still less than 2% of overall charitable giving, according to a report released by the Women’s Philanthropy Institute. So why has the concept of targeting philanthropy to elevate women been so slow to catch on? Lack of critical data—or in some cases, the failure to make use of critical data—that makes the strongest possible case for support.
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How to Create Customized Nonprofit Donor Experiences
Personalizing interactions with donors is one surefire way for a nonprofit organization to create lifelong supporters of their mission. Interactions that target a large audience do have their place, but tailoring them to appeal to individuals or groups of donors allows nonprofit leaders to build and maintain lasting donor relationships. This article discusses strategies for doing so.
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How to Run a Successful Nonprofit Without Grant Writing
Grant writing is a time and resource consuming activity that saps nonprofit productive capacity. Nonprofits rely on grants as the single revenue source to fully fund their operations. The solution is to build diverse funding streams by fully integrating all services offered into a closed loop nonprofit funding model, as described in this publication.
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10 Strategic Ways Nonprofits Can Influence Giving From Major Corporations
Aligning the social goals of a for-profit with a donation to a nonprofit helps further the social initiatives of both organizations. This article presents 10 ways nonprofits can facilitate this alignment process.
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Giving USA 2022 Annual Report on Philanthropy
The nation’s longest running, most comprehensive report on philanthropy, The Annual Report on Philanthropy, is a 350+ page report with chapters that provide in-depth analysis of findings on total charitable giving, giving by sources, and giving to major recipient categories. In addition, each chapter provides strategic insights into the latest giving trends and facts.
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Stop Fundraising and Start Building Sustainable Revenue Growth
Fundraising is ultimately about relationships. People have to like you and the people behind you, believe in you and get drawn in by your story. If you are able to communicate authentically and execute a few of these guidelines, a nonprofit can stand out from the crowd and begin to create long-term partnerships, which in turn can create ongoing revenue streams.
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What Makes Narrative Change So Hard?
Nonprofits and funders can go too far in pointing fingers at their own shortcomings. The reality is that they are playing on an uneven psychological field, and this article discusses that uneven field and how to handle it.
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Why Nonprofits Should Consider A Legacy Giving Program And How To Get Started
A legacy gift is a gift that reflects a person’s deepest desires and longings to “leave their mark” after their passing, make a lasting contribution and impact society and the world long after they are gone. This article has practical suggestions on how to start up a legacy giving program.
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Cryptocurrency for Nonprofits: Best Ways to Accept Donations
in 2022 In this article some major types of cryptocurrency are compared, such as vs The Giving Block vs Engiven. Guidance also is given about the best way for nonprofits to accept donations in cryptocurrency.
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Ethical Storytelling for Nonprofits
When embarking upon what’s known in the nonprofit world as “donation season,” many nonprofits think about putting together a fundraising video or other media that demonstrate the impact of their work, and stories about that impact are often part of the mix. This article presents ways to tell stories ethically as part of a fundraising effort.
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Financing and Evaluating Nonprofits: Mapping the Knowledge Base of Nonprofit Management in the Human Services
This article reviews the literature on two critical aspects of nonprofit management – financing a nonprofit’s operations and evaluating its impact. It is based on an assessment of 328 journal article abstracts derived from a total sample of 2013 articles from the entire publication history of three major U.S. journals of
nonprofit management. To survive and thrive in a changing political and economic environment, nonprofits have had to develop and sustain a diversified financial base. At the same time, the increasing demands from funding sources and constituents for accountability have required nonprofits to develop systems to evaluate their service delivery and financial performance. The dual challenges and the rapid development of technology have pressured nonprofits to adopt mechanisms to integrate and evaluate service and financial and data. The review concludes with the beginnings of a research agenda related to revenue generation, resource allocation, and performance improvement.
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Storytelling for Good
With nonprofits existing in a continually growing virtual space, The Communications Network acknowledges that it can be difficult to reach intended audiences. Storytelling for Good was designed by Hattaway Communications and Threespot with the support of The Rockefeller Foundation and provides resources to learn how to build a nonprofit’s storytelling practices, from basic strategy, to choosing content, to engagement, and evaluation.
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What Your Nonprofit Needs to Know About Cryptocurrency Donations
With so many ways for nonprofits to accept cryptocurrency donations, there is no need to turn away donors who wish to donate their Bitcoin, Ethereum, or other coins. It’s a new technology that is constantly evolving, and it’s understandable if nonprofits have some apprehension or confusion about how it all works. However, with so many tools available, it is simple to get started.
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5 Tips for Creating Effective Online Fundraisers
In general, the most successful online fundraisers prioritize the donor experience from start to finish. Seasoned nonprofit professionals are used to managing donor experience during in-person fundraisers, but doing so in a digital space takes some special considerations. This article shares five tips to prioritize donor experience and make online fundraisers as effective as possible!
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A Nonprofit's Guide to Getting Your First Government Grant
In total, government provides more than ten times the funding to nonprofits as foundations, especially in human services, health and education, but also in the arts, environment, animal welfare, consumer protection, and elsewhere. But there are lots of workshops and resources on getting foundation grants compared to very few on getting government grants. This guide helps community nonprofits access government funding.
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Best Practices in Sending Year-end Statements to Donors
Best Practices in Sending Year-end Statements to Donors Year-end tax statements provide donors with a convenient summary of their charitable contributions. They also offer an additional opportunity for the nonprofit to express its appreciation. These simple guidelines will help guide such expression, and an example is given.
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Donor Trust Report 2021: Profiles in Charity Trust and GivingCover Image for 2021 Special Report on Charity Impact
The Donor Trust Report 2021: Profiles in Charity Trust and Giving offers (1) indicators for public trust in the charitable sector, highlighting charity types that experienced noteworthy shifts during 2020; (2) donor profiles for different charity types based on self-reported contribution behavior, including comparisons to the overall donor sample; and (3) information about the public’s openness to solicitation and giving preferences by different generation, racial, and giving-level categories. To access:
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Emerge Ready: Fundraising During & After COVID-19
As nonprofits begin to emerge from the COVID-19 crisis, many priorities and concerns have shifted. In May, PND sent a brief questionnaire to our database of thousands of nonprofits. The response was telling, and a clear picture of the challenges ahead surfaced from the organizations surveyed. This white paper details the survey results and what they mean for the future of nonprofits nationwide.
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How to Launch a Campaign When Everyone’s Launching a Campaign
This article offers advice for timing of a fundraising campaign launch, as well as new approaches to volunteer leadership, and more. \
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Strengthening the Philanthropic Supply Chain
Optimizing the path from funder to fundee isn’t something philanthropy has thought about systematically, but the sector should take this moment to build some muscle into it, with an eye toward racial and economic justice.
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Talking About Outcomes, Not Outputs: How Nonprofits Can Shift Donors’ Mindsets on Funding
Sometimes nonprofits confuse and conflate outcomes and outputs in their marketing and fundraising campaigns. Outputs are the different things a nonprofit makes and provides, while outcomes are the differences made by those things. In fundraising, outcomes are king, because, as the strategist Deb Mills-Scofield notes, “Outcomes are the difference made by the outputs.”
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’Tis the Season for Nonprofits to Maximize Online Donations
Behavioral economics research shows how small nudges can make a big difference to end-of-year fundraising results.
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Trust in Civil Society: Understanding the factors driving trust in nonprofits and philanthropy
Public trust is the currency of the nonprofit sector. The public’s belief that nonprofits will “do the right thing” is one of the central reasons the sector exists. Communities have relied upon nonprofits to provide trusted sources of information, life-sustaining services, environmental stewardship, and places of refuge for centuries. In today’s highly polarized environment, understanding and managing trust has never been more important for organizations to own their license to operate, lead, and succeed. Given the outsized importance of trust, it is imperative to assess the status of that trust and how the sector can strengthen its most valuable asset. Independent Sector, in partnership with Edelman Data & Intelligence, is releasing this second annual report of survey findings that explore the nuances of trust in American nonprofit and philanthropic organizations.
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A Guide to Email Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations
For many fundraising purposes, email is the most profitable marketing channel. This ebook can help nonprofits succeed with email fundraising through strategies for building an active contact list, designing a fundraising campaign, and communicating with supporters.
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A Nonprofit's Guide to Getting Your First Government Grant
In total, government provides more than ten times the funding to nonprofits as foundations, especially in human services, health and education, but also in the arts, environment, animal welfare, consumer protection, and elsewhere. But there are many workshops and other resources on getting foundation grants compared to very few on getting government grants. This guide helps community nonprofits access government funding.
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Emerge Ready: Fundraising During & After COVID-19
As nonprofits begin to emerge from the COVID-19 crisis, many priorities and concerns have shifted. In May, Philanthropic News Digest surveyed its database of thousands of nonprofits. Responses to the survey provide a clear picture of the challenges ahead. This white paper details the survey results and what they mean for the future of nonprofits nationwide.
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Recurring Gifts Are Simple, Just Not Easy
This article for the NonProfit Times focuses on how to attract new recurring donors and encourage existing donors to upgrade to larger or more frequent donations, according to the Radical Recurring Giving Guide by QGiv, a Lakeland, Fla.-based software provider to nonprofits. The 32-page eBook aims to help nonprofits establish a recurring giving program to boost donor retention and the lifetime giving of their donors as well as upgrade and enhance existing recurring giving programs.
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Strengthening the Philanthropic Supply Chain
Optimizing the path from funder to recipient isn’t something philanthropy has thought about systematically, but the sector (both nonprofits and philanthropic organizations) can build more muscle into it, with an eye toward racial and economic justice. The article focuses on philanthropic activators, organizations that create ongoing relationships with both ends of the supply chain, providing purpose-built structures for funders to deploy charitable funds intelligently and quickly, and helping grantees build the capacity and infrastructure to use funds effectively.
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Ten Smart Ways to Diversify Your Nonprofit’s Fundraising Efforts and Raise More
The world has changed and nonprofits need to raise funds in new ways. From virtual and hybrid events to digital engagement of donors, there are a number of new ways to raise funds to do more good. This visual guide explores 10 of them.
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The Digital Fundraising Makeover for Nonprofits
The last year has brought opportunities to rethink many nonprofit interactions, including those bringing digital strategies to fundraising. The strategies presented here cut out clutter to make room for campaigns that resonate best, and share impactful stories as motivation to join the cause. New donors can be welcomed with a series of engagement opportunities, and digital fundraising tools leveraged to improve return-on-investment year over year.
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10 Ways Nonprofits Can Leverage Visual Storytelling
In this article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council, ten nonprofit leaders discuss how good visual storytelling can help increase audience support to the organization and engagement rates.
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A Constant Goal for Fundraisers: Quality Donor Engagement
In this article written for Candid Learning, Jim Eskin discusses how quality engagement with prospects/donors and a tracking system is a smart bet to improve donor friendships and develop more resources to champion a nonprofit’s mission.
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Celebrities Aren’t Influencing Young Activists, Donors
Celebrities Aren’t Influencing Young Activists, Donors is an article for The NonProfit Times, presenting data from a March 2021 study of 1,000 Americans between the ages of 18-30 by Cause & Social Influence in Indianapolis. The study found that animal safety and rights issues and civil rights and social justice topped a list of concerns for the second year in a row. Online influencers held more sway with this group than celebrities, with 51% saying they received information from online content creators, compared with 29% who were motivated by celebrities.
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Choosing the Right Email Marketing Platform for Your Nonprofit
In this article written for Sumac, Jessica Chapman identifies several email marketing software options and details the benefits of each as they relate to organizational needs.
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Nine Common Fundraising Mistakes Nonprofits Make
In this article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council, nine leaders examine the most common fundraising mistakes that nonprofits make and suggest what they should be doing instead to ensure success.
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Recurring Gifts Are Simple, Just Not Easy
Recurring Gifts Are Simple, Just Not Easy This article for The NonProfit Times focuses on how to attract new recurring donors and encourage existing donors to upgrade to larger or more frequent donations, according to the Radical Recurring Giving Guide by QGiv, a Lakeland, Fla.-based software provider to nonprofits. The 32-page eBook aims to help nonprofits establish a recurring giving program to boost donor retention and the lifetime giving of their donors as well as upgrade and enhance existing recurring giving programs.
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10 Examples of Fundraising Letters that Raised a Ton of Funds for Nonprofits
Often the best fundraising letters present narratives to donors, not statistics. In this article written for Sumac, copywriter Billy Sharma shares ten examples of fundraising letters that, through effective storytelling, raised a ton of funds for nonprofits.
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Facebook Fundraising: A Complete Guide for Nonprofits
Nonprofits can accept Facebook donations and fundraise on Facebook in multiple ways. Facebook offers a good way to engage with supporters and drive more revenue for a nonprofit. In this article written for Candid Learning, Cassandra Steele shares what nonprofits need to know about Facebook fundraising tools and how to get started fundraising on Facebook. To access this article, go to:
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Fundraising Letters in 2020: 7 Best Practices to Raise More
Direct mail has been, and continues to be, the workhorse of fundraising for nonprofits of all sizes and it is especially important in this uncertain time when a well-tailored letter is a kind of personal interaction that can inspire potential donors. In this article written for Sumac, Grant Cobb shares seven best practices that can make fundraising efforts even more effective.
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How Data Can Boost Your Nonprofit's Fundraising Efforts
It is widely known that data can help deliver a better donor experience and yield deeper insights into donors, ultimately helping to engage more supporters and inspire more donations. In this article written for TechSoup, Jett Winders takes a closer look at how to use data to boost fundraising results.
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How Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Can Help Nonprofits During COVID-19
In this article written for Candid Learning, Jessica Chapman discusses what peer-to-peer fundraising is, how it can help a nonprofit, and tips and tricks to bear in mind.
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How To Rebrand Without Alienating Members: 11 Strategies For Nonprofits
In this article, 11 leaders from Forbes Nonprofit Council offer valuable advice on how a nonprofit can rebrand without members feeling left out or alienated as a result.
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In-Kind Donations: Everything Your Nonprofit Needs to Know
In this article written for Sumac, Cassandra Steele discusses everything from what are in-kind donations to receipting policies and accounting for in-kind donations.
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Marketing Trends Nonprofits Should Know About
In this article written for Candid Learning, Rachel Horton identifies four key marketing trends nonprofits should examine to spark growth and rebound from such a hard year.
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Quick-Start Guide to Nonprofit Brand Management
All nonprofits have “a brand” whether leadership thinks about it that or not. It is important that the brand stand for the things the organization cares about. In this article written for TechSoup, Janelle Levesque goes over some actions to get started with brand management at a nonprofit.
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10 Tips on Effectively Marketing Your Nonprofit
This article, written by Michael Dehoyos for Candid Learning, lays out ten digital marketing strategies to help your nonprofit get noticed in an overpopulated digital world.
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15 Smart Ways to Move Nonprofit Events into The Digital Realm
Hosting an event is a great way for nonprofit organizations to increase people’s awareness of their mission and bring in necessary funds to contribute to that mission. In this article, Forbes Nonprofit Council members share their top recommendations for bringing these events to life.
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Are Your Organization’s Stories Dishonoring the Families You Serve?
In this article written for Blue Avocado, Dani Robbins illustrates the challenge of discussing work that is funded by one group (donors), executed by another group (staff), on behalf of a third group (families) and how that discussion has the potential to harm the people it is intended to help. To access this article, go to:
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How To Build A Brand Without A Marketing Budget
This article, written by Forbes Nonprofit Council member Deboshree Dutta, lays out the two fundamental questions one must ask before starting to build a brand and highlights five digital marketing techniques and tools that can be employed to get the answers to such questions.
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Nonprofit Marketing: How to Engage Donors with Retargeting Ads
This article was written by Cassandra Steele for Sumac. Steele explains how and why nonprofits should embrace the use of retargeting ads to engage donors and generate more funds.
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Simple Ways to Write an Efficient Fundraising Email to Engage Donors
This article, written by Jessica Chapman for Candid Learning, shares seven simple ways to make your messages stand out in the crowd of other emails. To access this article, go to:
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Thinking Outside the Box: Finding New Ways for Your Supporters to Help
This article written for AmFund discusses how to best entice your most loyal supporters to help in ways that do not involve financial support and provides examples for each strategy.
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How to Build Your Crisis Communications Team Remotely
A nonprofit’s communications during a crisis are key to getting through the crisis effectively. Building a crisis response team and a creating a crisis communication kit are two actions that can be done virtually. This publication, written by Lisa Rupple for Sumac, outlines the steps for doing both.
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How to Create a Donor-Centric Annual Report for Nonprofits: 6 Best Practices
This article, written by Simiki Dutto for Sumac, examines how to create an effective annual report along with some annual report templates that can help to inspire existing donors and attract new ones.
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PayPal Donate Button Vs. Integrated Donation Forms: Which is Better for Your Nonprofit?
PayPal Donate Button Vs. Integrated Donation Forms: Which is Better for Your Nonprofit? For those looking to collect donations online for a nonprofit, a PayPal Donate button is a great option and a quick fix, but for those who want a donation form that matches an organization’s website branding and gives donors a better experience, consider integrated donation forms. This Sumac article compares both options to help individuals make the right decision for their nonprofit.
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Receiving Fewer Donations This Year? 14 Ways To Maximize Your Nonprofit Budget
With widespread layoffs and economic decline brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, many nonprofits are expecting to raise less money this year compared to 2019. In this article, written for Forbes Nonprofit Council, fourteen nonprofit leaders share their advice for how to best manage organizational budgets, even with decreased 2020 donations.
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Social Media Fundraising & Giving Tools: A Guide to Getting Started for Nonprofits
Social media giving tools are a powerful way for an organization to bring a community together virtually to rally behind a mission and engage supporters. This guide, created by Cassandra Steele for Sumac, identifies several of these tools and offers advice for how to get started.
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Why Hire and Retain Fundraising Staff Right Now?
Why Hire and Retain Fundraising Staff Right Now? This article, written by Christa Orth for Candid Learning, explains why sustaining professional fundraisers in this moment is the key to unlocking the future of the organization and its mission.
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13 Smart Ways to Adapt Your Fundraising Strategy During Tough Times
This article, written for Forbes Nonprofit Council, identifies thirteen key ways nonprofits can use a time of transition to adjust the fundraising strategy.
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15 Email Marketing Tips to Help Nonprofits Expand Their Reach
15 Email Marketing Tips to Help Nonprofits Expand Their Reach is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council. In the article, fifteen nonprofit leaders share tips for how to maximize an email marketing strategy and take advantage of “more eyes on the mission.”
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Build A Rock-Solid Email Campaign with These Four Steps
Build A Rock-Solid Email Campaign with These Four Steps is an article written by an expert panel for Forbes Nonprofit Council. In the article, the experts of Forbes Nonprofit Council share their thoughts on how to improve different types of emails and receive a greater response overall.
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Communication: The Glue That Holds an Organization Together
Communication: The Glue That Holds an Organization Together is an article written by Cari Cho for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, Cho shares some of the mistakes a nonprofit’s management team can make in the communication department and the lessons that can be learned from such experiences.
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Envisioning the Future of Virtual Fundraising
his article, written for The Nonprofit Quarterly, discusses the pros and cons of virtual fundraising, the possibility of a hybrid model and the importance of human nature to fundraising regardless of the medium used.
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Why Your Campaign Needs a Planning Study
Why Your Campaign Needs a Planning Study is an article written for The NonProfit Times . The article details the many aspects of a planning study as well as the ways in which in can benefit an organization moving forward.
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4 Email Marketing Mistakes Most Non-Profits Are Making
4 Email Marketing Mistakes Most Non-Profits Are Making is an article written for Sumac . The article identifies four of the most common mistakes nonprofits are making with their email marketing campaigns and offers suggestions for how to best avoid them.
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15 Email Marketing Tips to Help Nonprofits Expand Their Reach
15 Email Marketing Tips to Help Nonprofits Expand Their Reach is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council. In the article, fifteen nonprofit leaders share tips for how to maximize an email marketing strategy and take advantage of “more eyes on the mission.”
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Communication: The Glue That Holds an Organization Together
Communication: The Glue That Holds an Organization Together is an article written by Cari Cho for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, Cho shares some of the mistakes a nonprofit’s management team can make in the communication department and the lessons that can be learned from such experiences.
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Creating a Digital-First Strategy
Creating a Digital-First Strategy is an article written by Adrienne Day for Stanford Social Innovation Review. Examining the experiences of prominent nonprofit organizations, Day examines why nonprofit leaders should think less about the technology and more about the people who will use it and the goals they hope to achieve.
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Five Digital Marketing Trends for Nonprofits to Leverage In 2020
Five Digital Marketing Trends for Nonprofits to Leverage In 2020 is an article written by Gloria Horsely for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, Horsely details several digital marketing trends that can help nonprofits respond to the need to move more into the digital environment – where many donors and volunteers tend to spend most of their time.
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Three Sources for Engaging Nonprofit Content
Three Sources for Engaging Nonprofit Content is an article written by Dr. Gloria Horsley for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, Dr. Horsley shares three sources that provide inspiration for content ideas as well as material that aligns with audience interests. While every nonprofit is different, these sources are still a good place to start.
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Five Revenue Streams to Boost Fundraising After a Down Year
Five Revenue Streams to Boost Fundraising After a Down Year is an article written by Thomas Bogbanno for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, Bognanno identifies five revenue streams that are vital for a successful fundraising campaign, using trends and predictions for the coming year.
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Nine Practical Actions Nonprofits Can Implement to Increase Donor Trust
Nine Practical Actions Nonprofits Can Implement to Increase Donor Trust is an article written by an expert panel for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, nine nonprofit executives offer advice about how to help donors feel comfortable with where their gifts to a nonprofit are going.
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Rethinking Philanthropy for the Next Generation
Rethinking Philanthropy for the Next Generation is an article written by Lawson Bader for Forbes Nonprofit Council . Bader discusses the increasing impact of millennial donors and how nonprofits can best approach them in a way that increases interest and involvement.
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Three Ways A Small Communications Team Can Improve Donor Engagement
Three Ways A Small Communications Team Can Improve Donor Engagement is an article written by Lindsay Crossland for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, Crossland discusses what a small nonprofit communications team can do when supporters expect the output and efficiency of a top technology company and how to best maximize interactions with donors through an intentional and proactive communication strategy.
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Why the Decline in Individual Donors Should Matter to Institutional Philanthropy—and What to Do about It
Why the Decline in Individual Donors Should Matter to Institutional Philanthropy—and What to Do about It is an article written by Shena Ashley for Nonprofit Quarterly . The article addresses the decline of small and mid-sized donor households and discusses why it is an urgent matter for the entire sector.
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7 Emails to Send That Aren’t Fundraising Asks
7 Emails to Send That Aren’t Fundraising Asks is an article written by Taylor Elizabeth-Rose for NTEN . The article discusses the importance of using email marketing for effective storytelling and offers email suggestions built to engage supporters without over-asking.
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7 Ways to Effectively Communicate What You're Doing with Donation Money
7 Ways to Effectively Communicate What You’re Doing with Donation Money is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, eight nonprofit leaders share their advice on how to effectively communicate to donors how their money is being used, as well as what an organization has accomplished with those funds.
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Note : Appearance of activities, publications or organizations in these website listings does not constitute any type of endorsement from the Dwight Stuart Youth Fund. These listings are provided solely for informational purposes.