The State of Diversity in the US Nonprofit Sector
The State of Diversity in the US Nonprofit Sector presents new data drawn from a survey taken by Candid of nearly 60,000 nonprofits – Candid calls it the most extensive demographic survey of the nonprofit sector ever undertaken. Overall, just over half (53 percent) of all nonprofit workers in the organizations surveyed were non-White. That’s slightly more than would be true for the US working population, with Black workers, in particular, well-represented in the nonprofit sector overall. But at higher levels of leadership, the picture changes. The survey found that two-thirds of board members identified as White, while 70 percent of CEOs were White. Meanwhile, people identifying as Black and Hispanic represented just 15 percent and 6 percent of CEOs, respectively.
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How to Persuade a New Generation to Join Your Nonprofit Board
Highlighting the different ways a nonprofit can persuade a new generation to join its board of directors, this article describes several different methods to keep younger people eager and interested in joining a nonprofit board.
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Trusting Your Gut: How Leaders Can Responsibly Leverage Instinct
Written by the vice president of global advocacy at the Mozilla Foundation, Ashley Boyd, this article provides insight on how leaders can responsibly follow their gut feelings in leading their organizations. Boyd highlights the importance of other external factors when following instinct.
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The 5 Truths for Transformational Leaders: How Nonprofit Organizations Thrive, Grow, and Make a Profound Difference
This article by Guy Mika reviews Ed Mishrell’s The 5 Truths for Transformational Leaders: How Nonprofit Organizations Thrive, Grow, and Make a Profound Difference. Mika highlights the 5 truths that Mishrell covers, all aimed at helping nonprofit leaders more effectively run mission-driven organizations.
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6 Ways Nonprofits Can Take Action Amid Economic Uncertainty
This article highlights six different ways nonprofits may take action amid economic uncertainty, to promote the success of their organization in achieving its mission.
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Bridging the Generation Gap: Why Your Organization Should have an Associate Board (and How to Start One)
Nonprofits are missing an opportunity to engage with the next generation of donors. The author argues that while Gen Z make up over half the U.S. population, they account for only 16% of total charitable giving. The upcoming generation is largely an untapped group of donors and volunteers. Associate Boards are an innovative approach to attracting young professionals to a nonprofit. This article presents four steps to getting started.
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Community Collaboration Towards Solving Rural Social Issues Collaborative
Community Collaboration Towards Solving Rural Social Issues Collaborative leadership is a topic that comes up frequently within the nonprofit realm. It can be a crucial ingredient for effectiveness, particularly for social services organizations, and ethically, it represents an overdue attempt to address systemic imbalances in the ways charitable funding is disbursed. This study of a specific intervention focused on teen pregnancy in Kilifi County, a rural area of Nigeria, was conducted by Maureen Malomba and Margaret F. Sloan, both of James Madison University.
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Empowering Black Leadership Across the Nonprofit Sector
Empowering Black Leadership Across the Nonprofit Sector highlights a number of programs that train and support Black leaders in the nonprofit sector. From national coalitions to community-based organizations, leaders of color are tackling some of the most serious challenges facing the United States.
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Five Programs Advancing Women Leaders in Boston and Beyond
This article expands on the unfortunate reality of women being under-represented in leadership roles within the nonprofit workforce. Although women continue to excel in the nonprofit, education, and philanthropic sectors, they hold far less than 75% of leadership positions in these organizations. Five programs advancing women leaders are highlighted.
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10 Ways Nonprofit Leaders Can Boost Their Team's Current Skill Sets
With work constantly changing in response to market fluctuations and tech solutions, upskilling is one way to ensure a business’s employees are ready for any challenge. Upskilling often entails investing in education, but these learning opportunities can sometimes come at a high cost. For nonprofits, making these investments can be challenging if the organization doesn’t really have the funds to support additional training.
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Bridging the Generation Gap: Why Your Organization Should have an Associate Board (and How to Start One)
Nonprofits are missing an opportunity to engage with the next generation of donors. The author argues that while Gen Z make up over half the U.S. population, they account for only 16% of total charitable giving. The upcoming generation is largely an untapped group of donors and volunteers. Associate Boards are an innovative approach to attracting young professionals to a nonprofit. This article presents four steps for getting started.
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7 Ideas for Pushing Your Board Forward in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
While nonprofits say they support improving diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) actually doing it requires getting the board to buy-in to the need for culture change. There are many reasons DEIB efforts fail including not being a part of the strategic plan, lack of board champions, and lack of budget. The solution starts with measuring outcomes and holding the executive director and board accountable.
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Nine Creative Leadership Positions Every Nonprofit Needs
Whether a business is in the for-profit or nonprofit space, certain roles are needed to ensure that the organization continues to operate smoothly. However, business efficiency can be impacted if leaders don’t conduct regular internal audits to ensure that they have the right staff with needed skills onboard. This article discussed strategies for achieving this goal.
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Reproducing Reproducers: Creating a Legacy of Leadership Succession
Creating new nonprofit leaders is not an automatic process. Lack of leadership development will hamper the health and long-term sustainability of the organization. Nonprofit executives often do not cultivate the mindset necessary to reproduce leaders from within the organization. Leadership succession requires understanding the step-by-step cycle necessary to reproduce leaders.
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Transition Tips for Chief Executives and Boards of Directors
This article discusses how to build a stronger relationship between a nonprofit’s board and chief executive when planning transitions.
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Want To Implement A Growth Mindset? 14 Tips For New Nonprofit Managers
New managers are placed in a unique position where they must be quick to continue carrying out the goals of their organization while also encouraging the people they lead. For some, this can mean upholding the status quo, but for others, it’s a chance to expand on how the organization currently operates. While change can bring with it great things, altering the established culture and operations of an organization is not an easy task, especially when a leader attempts to do it alone. Fourteen members of the Forbes Nonprofit Council share in this article their recommendations for new nonprofit managers attempting to implement a growth mindset in their organizations.
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Through the Looking Glass: 2022 Narrative Predictions
Nearly all predictions — even those rooted in rigorous research — demonstrate economic and governance narratives struggling in a contest for dominance. Supporting this contest are narratives rooted in the battle between individualism and scarcity and the collective good. Some 2022 narrative predictions and insights can be useful to building narrative power in service of liberation and justice. The forecast can be used by nonprofits to plan, prepare, and apply narrative strategy while guarding against risks that are likely to emerge.
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Engaged Boards Can Slow Fundraiser Turnover
In this article written for the NonProfit Times, the focus is on turnover among fundraising professionals. This isn’t a new problem, but a recent survey suggests that major gift officers are even more prone to consistent turnover. However, having nonprofit CEOs and board members engaged in fundraising can deter turnover. The findings come from “A National Study of Staffing Challenges in Nonprofit Fundraising,” DickersonBakker, a Raleigh, NC-based consultancy.
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Trust in Civil Society: Understanding the factors driving trust in nonprofits and philanthropy
Independent Sector, in partnership with Edelman Data & Intelligence has released this second annual report of survey findings that explore the nuances of trust in American nonprofit and philanthropic organizations. The survey starts with the assumption that public trust is the currency of the nonprofit sector. The public’s belief that nonprofits will “do the right thing” is one of the central reasons the sector exists. Communities have relied upon nonprofits to provide trusted sources of information, life-sustaining services, environmental stewardship, and places of refuge for centuries. In today’s highly polarized environment, understanding and managing trust has never been more important for organizations to own their license to operate, lead, and succeed. Get access here:
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Engaged Boards Can Slow Fundraiser Turnover
In this article written for The NonProfit Times, the focus is on turnover among fundraising professionals. This isn’t a new problem, but a recent survey suggests that major gift officers are even more prone to job turnover. However, having nonprofit CEOs and board members engaged in fundraising can deter such turnover. The findings come from “A National Study of Staffing Challenges in Nonprofit Fundraising,” DickersonBakker, a Raleigh, NC-based consultancy.
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Navigating Succession: Four Exiting CEO Mindsets
In this article written for The Nonprofit Quarterly, Aparna Anand Joshi, Donald C. Hambrick and Jiyeon Kang discuss four CEO mindsets as they relate to executive succession and identify the implications for each.
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The Four Principles of Purpose-Driven Board Leadership
In the face of increasingly pressing systemic inequities, nonprofit boards must change the traditional ways they have worked and instead prioritize an organization’s purpose, show respect for the ecosystem in which they operate, commit to equity, and recognize that power must be authorized by the people they’re aiming to help. In this article written for Stanford Social Innovation Review, Anne Wallestad discusses the current state of boards and how to improve them through purpose-driven leadership. To access this article, go to:
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Does Your Board Need to Be More Diverse? Here’s How to Do It
In the last few months, numerous nonprofits started evaluating the why and the how regarding the lack of racial diversity in their board populations. In this article written for Community Centric Fundraising, Meenakshi Das shares three instances of when and how nonprofit representatives can approach achieving a diverse board with inclusivity and equity in mind.
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Leading Boards in a Virtual World
In this article written for Stanford Social Innovation Review, Mark Zitter and Jon Huggett share thirteen ideas to keep boards effective and cohesive in a remote environment. TO access this article, go to:
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Nine Ways A Nonprofit Can Improve Collaboration with the Board
Nonprofit leaders can sometimes have a difficult time working alongside their board. In this article, nine members of Forbes Nonprofit Council offer advice on how nonprofit leaders can better work alongside their board for mutual benefit.
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Equity and Inclusion: The Roots of Organizational Well-Being
This article was written by Mary-Frances Winters for Stanford Social Innovation Review. Winter discusses the crucial need for nonprofits to acknowledge systemic racism then commit to and implement processes to upend it.
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Getting Your Board to Help You Innovate
This article, written by Sheena Sullivan for Candid Learning, sheds some light on how nonprofit boards impact innovation, and how these three key findings could be a board relations game-changer for some executive directors and nonprofit leadership.
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Eight Steps for Managing Through Tough Times
This article, written for Bridgespan, provides insights and advice from clients, other nonprofit leaders and experts, and Bridgespan’s own leadership—distilling them into a set of eight steps for managing through tough times.
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From Principles to Practices: Structuring Your Decision-Making Process
Three distinct, interrelated phases—the decision setup, the time during which the decision is made, and the decision follow-through—provide a framework for building decision-making practices that support an organization’s values and impact goals. This article, written for The Bridgespan Group, describes these phases in detail and offers advice for navigating each one.
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How to Be a Super Board Chair
This article, written by Jon Huggett and Mark Zitter for Stanford Social Innovation Review, identifies strategies nonprofit board chairs can use to make the most of the board experience and prime their organizations for success.
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When Moving a Nonprofit Forward Means Altering the Founder’s Course
In this article written for Stanford Social Innovation Review, Anne Eidelman details her experience taking over the leadership role from her organization’s founder and highlights three important lessons that can be used to help others in similar situations. To access this article, go to:
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5 Steps for Nonprofit and Volunteer Program Recovery Planning
Whether a nonprofit is currently operating at full capacity or only with critical assets, the organization overall and its volunteer program can benefit by planning for the transition from response to recovery.
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15 Leadership Lessons for Nonprofits Navigating a Crisis
This is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council. In the article, nonprofit leaders share fifteen things they’ve learned (or are currently learning) about leading a team through a crisis, from collaboration and community engagement to how to best stay connected with staff.
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5 Hiring Pitfalls to Avoid—If You Want Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Leadership
5 Hiring Pitfalls to Avoid—If You Want Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Leadership is an article written for Nonprofit Quarterly . The article identifies some established practices that are likely holding back an organization’s recruitment and leadership development practices and details how to fix them.
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Exit Agreements for Nonprofit CEOs: A Guide for Boards and Executives
Exit Agreements for Nonprofit CEOs: A Guide for Boards and Executives is an article written by Tom Adams, Melanie Herman and Tim Wolfred for Nonprofit Quarterly . The article offers readers a context and a set of choices in considering whether an exit agreement is needed and, if so, what might be included.
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Facing a Bottleneck: Three Ways to Lead Your Nonprofit through Growing Pains
Facing a Bottleneck: Three Ways to Lead Your Nonprofit through Growing Pains is an article written by Jamie Aten for Forbes Nonprofit Council . The article details the struggles of a growing organization and offers advice for tackling each challenge.
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Lessons from the Front Line for Nonprofit CEO Successions
Lessons from the Front Line for Nonprofit CEO Successions is an article written by Gali Cooks and Eben Harrell for Stanford Social Innovation Review . The article shares the stories of several successful nonprofit leadership transitions in the hope that their stories will provide inspiration for other nonprofits.
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How to Put Together a Nonprofit Board of Directors
How to Put Together a Nonprofit Board of Directors is an article written by Deborah Sweeney for The Story Exchange . In the article, Sweeney offers advice for how to vet potential candidates for a board and how to look for individuals who possess the right mix of qualifications.
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Successfully Navigating an Executive Director Transition
Successfully Navigating an Executive Director Transition is an article written by C.J. Hirschfield for Blue Avocado . The article outlines five things that can help lead an organization through a successful, graceful departure of an ED, and set the nonprofit up for success moving forward.
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The 4 Types of Power Players: How They Disrupt Boards and What to Do About Them
The 4 Types of Power Players: How They Disrupt Boards and What to Do About Them is an article written by Donald Summers for BoardSource . The article offers advice for how to identify a particular type of power play in nonprofit Boards while it is happening and how to act swiftly to protect and preserve collaboration and equity of participation.
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Why Nonprofits Need Emergency Transition Plans
Why Nonprofits Need Emergency Transition Plans is an article written by Ruth McCambridge for Nonprofit Quarterly . The article analyzes the sudden departure of an organization’s CEO and how it relates to the need for an emergency transition plan.
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Ignite Your Board Members’ Passion
Ignite Your Board Members’ Passion is an article written by Joan Garry for The Nonprofit Quarterly . In the article, Garry shares a simple equation for coaching executive directors, which creates a more productive partnership and equips trustees with the enthusiasm and tools they need to become real ambassadors for an organization.
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Recruiting Nonprofit Volunteers: The Landscape of Platforms and Services
Recruiting Nonprofit Volunteers: The Landscape of Platforms and Services is an article written by Chris Bernard for Idealware . The report explains how volunteer opportunities inform recruitment methods, what tools and services are available to organizations of varying sizes and budgets, and how they align with recruiting best practices.
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Should Your CEO Serve as a Board Member?
Should Your CEO Serve as a Board Member? is an article written by Jenifer Holland for BoardSource . The article discusses the many considerations to be explored when asking the question of whether or not a CEO should serve on the board of the very organization they lead.
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Do Nonprofit CEOs and CFOs Occupy a Strategic Space Together? Not Always
Do Nonprofit CEOs and CFOs Occupy a Strategic Space Together? Not Always is an article written by Ruth McCambridge for The Nonprofit Quarterly . The article details the findings of a recent survey in which CEOs and CFOs at nonprofit organizations reveal that they view organizational priorities and challenges somewhat differently.
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Lessons to Be Learned from Well-Meaning but Flawed Governance
Lessons to Be Learned from Well-Meaning but Flawed Governance is an article written for BoardSource . In the article, a well-respected, but anonymous, nonprofit governance expert shares constructive feedback for understanding good governance and adopting good practices to facilitate each board member’s ability to exercise the duty of care.
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Self-Coaching Strategies for Nonprofit Leaders
Self-Coaching Strategies for Nonprofit Leaders is an article written by Jean Lobell, Mohan Sikka and Pavitra Menon for The Nonprofit Quarterly . Using a variety of situations as cases, the article walks the reader through how to best consider options for action through a self-coaching process.
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From Risk Management to Risk Leadership: A Governance Conversation with David O. Renz
From Risk Management to Risk Leadership: A Governance Conversation with David O. Renz is an interview with The Editors and David O. Renz for The Nonprofit Quarterly . In the interview, nonprofit governance expert David Renz points out that it is not enough to “manage” risk; rather, modern nonprofit boards must learn to welcome and become intimate with it, because work in this sector has risk embedded at every level. And while many think of risk in predominantly financial terms, there are any number of risks taken that are born of omission rather than commission.
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High-Impact Volunteer Engagement: Six Factors for Success
High-Impact Volunteer Engagement: Six Factors for Success, an article written by Jackie Hodgson for GrantSpace , identifies six key factors that determine whether a nonprofit is ready to engage skills-based volunteers and why it must first be ready to do so.
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How to Support Effective Dynamics in Nonprofit Executive Teams
How to Support Effective Dynamics in Nonprofit Executive Teams is an article written for The Bridgespan Group . A nonprofit executive team’s effectiveness is essential for an organization’s success, yet often these teams underperform for a variety of reasons. The article lays out five steps that can help nonprofit executive teams move from underperforming to high-performing in their work to advance their organizations’ missions.
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Leading for Mission Results: Connecting Leadership Beliefs with Predictable Changes
Leading for Mission Results: Connecting Leadership Beliefs with Predictable Changes is an article written by Tom Adams and Jeanne Bell for The Nonprofit Quarterly . In the article, Adams and Bell discuss the importance of broadening how leaders think about ways their nonprofit can make a difference, expand a leader’s capacity and speed up change for good.
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Organizing Your Board to Get Things Done
Organizing Your Board to Get Things Done is an article written by Dart Westphal for GrantSpace . The article identifies a number of questions one should ask when looking to align the board’s practices more closely to the needs of the organization’s mission.
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Should a Nonprofit Splurge on Management?
Should a Nonprofit Splurge on Management? is an article written by Kwame Anthony Appiah for The New York Times Magazine . The article identifies the considerations an organization should make when evaluating the importance of particular staff during difficult financial times.
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The Board–Chief Executive Partnership: Valuing Our Respective Lanes
The Board–Chief Executive Partnership: Valuing Our Respective Lanes, an article written by Ann Cohen for BoardSource , identifies the respective duties of the board and chief executive and details the ways in which they can best work together in a constructive partnership.
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Three Tips for Building a Better Nonprofit Board
Three Tips for Building a Better Nonprofit Board is an article written by Jack Kosakowski for Forbes Nonprofit Council . The article provides three tips for ensuring a nonprofit’s board of directors is as strong as it can be and can ultimately provide organizational success.
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Transform Your Volunteer Processes with These Five Tips
Transform Your Volunteer Processes with These Five Tips is an article written by Dhruv Khattar for NTEN . For those looking to streamline an organization’s volunteer management process, Khattar outlines a five-phase approach for deriving real, tangible outcomes.
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Bridging The Gap: Eight Ways To Integrate Team Members Of All Generations
Bridging The Gap: Eight Ways To Integrate Team Members Of All Generations is an article written by an expert panel for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, the experts of Forbes Nonprofit Council share their thoughts on how to integrate younger and older workers for the best outcome.
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Diversity, Inclusion and Equity in Nonprofits: Setting the Table for Success
Diversity, Inclusion and Equity in Nonprofits: Setting the Table for Success is an article written by Sandy St. Louis for Third Sector New England . The article, accompanied by a video, discusses how to most effectively build a pathway to inclusion and equity that will support new and more diverse leadership within an organization.
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How to Create Better Nonprofit Executive Teams
How to Create Better Nonprofit Executive Teams is an article written by Libbie Landles-Cobb, Henry Barmeier and Kirk Kramer for Stanford Social Innovation Review . The article identifies the five critical questions nonprofit leaders should ask in order to improve the performance of an executive team.
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How to Motivate Millennials to Become Nonprofit Leaders
How to Motivate Millennials to Become Nonprofit Leaders is an article written by Amy Sewell for Forbes Nonprofit Council . The article evaluates the key factors that have led to success and growth across nonprofits where millennials have served as leaders.
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Maximize Impact through Board Accountability
Maximize Impact through Board Accountability is an article written by Gilles Mesrobian for GrantSpace . The article discusses how to effectively evaluate and measure a nonprofit’s success through its Board of Directors.
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Nine Ways to Foster An Environment Of Learning For Your Team
Nine Ways to Foster An Environment Of Learning For Your Team is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, a panel of nonprofit executives share their ideas for how to best encourage continuous education of a nonprofit’s staff, and how to insure that staff skills are current and align with the organization’s needs.
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Why Nonprofit Leaders Need to Make Business Personal
Why Nonprofit Leaders Need to Make Business Personal is an article written by Tarren Bragdon for Forbes Nonprofit Council . The article examines, in detail, three reasons why it is helpful for the work of a nonprofit to become personal for nonprofit leaders.
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Eight Ways Nonprofits Can Improve Their Approach To Diversity And Inclusiveness
Eight Ways Nonprofits Can Improve Their Approach To Diversity And Inclusiveness is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . Nonprofits need to show their clients, as well as their employees, that they are willing and able to accept all, regardless of their gender, race, religion or background. In the article, eight members of Forbes Nonprofit Council discuss how the nonprofit sector can better approach diversity and inclusiveness.
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How to Ensure Volunteers and Staff Follow Your Ethical Standards
How to Ensure Volunteers and Staff Follow Your Ethical Standards is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, seven nonprofit leaders make recommendations to ensure that staff and volunteers adhere to an organization’s ethical standards when fundraising.
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Six Easy Ways to Grow as a Leader and Help Your NPO Build a Solid Foundation
Six Easy Ways to Grow as a Leader and Help Your NPO Build a Solid Foundation is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, nonprofit CEO Sara Dawdy shares her advice for establishing an organization and cause that is both genuine and successful.
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The 3 Gotta-Haves for Boards Seeking Impact and Scale
The 3 Gotta-Haves for Boards Seeking Impact and Scale is an article written by Donald Summers for BoardSource . The article explores the necessities, the “gotta haves” that enable organizations to enter and thrive in this new, sector-agnostic world of high performance, growth, and social impact.
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Building an Effective Audit Committee for Your Nonprofit
Building an Effective Audit Committee for Your Nonprofit is an article written by Patricia E. Farrell for The Legal Intelligencer . The article discusses the benefits of an audit committee and explores how to appoint, integrate and monitor a well-rounded one.
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Doing More with More: Putting Shared Leadership into Practice
Doing More with More: Putting Shared Leadership into Practice is an article written by Michael Allison, Susan Misra and Elissa Perry for The Nonprofit Quarterly . It identifies different aspects of shared leadership and details how this approach can be put into action to best serve an organization and its mission.
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Good Management: What’s it Take?
Good Management: What’s it Take? is an article written for The NonProfit Times . The article discusses the basics of solid grant management that can be used to help implement a grant acquisition program or manage current awards.
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How Nonprofits Can Address Their Own Biases to Build Better Diversity
How Nonprofits Can Address Their Own Biases to Build Better Diversity is an article written by Ben Paynter for Fast Company . The article discusses the statistics of racial inequality as they relate to boards and offers solutions to eliminating inequalities and bias within an organization.
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How to Acquire Your Dream Board Member
How to Acquire Your Dream Board Member , an article written by Pamela Hawley for Forbes Nonprofit Council , presents the most important questions to consider when looking for a new board member and offers critical advice for bringing them in.
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Preparing Executive Director Transitions for Organizational Success
Preparing Executive Director Transitions for Organizational Success , an article written by Patrick Cutrona for Third Sector New England , discusses the tricky issues presented during leadership transitions and identifies what is needed to ensure a stable transition for an organization overall.
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Self-Coaching Strategies for Nonprofit Leaders
Self-Coaching Strategies for Nonprofit Leaders is an article written by Jean Lobell, Mohan Sikka and Pavitra Menon for Nonprofit Quarterly . The article addresses several development strategies that can provide nonprofit leaders with opportunities to shift their perspective and stretch their current repertoire of practices and competencies.
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Challenging Conventional Wisdom on Nonprofit Boards
Challenging Conventional Wisdom on Nonprofit Boards is an article written by Matthew Forti for Stanford Social Innovation Review . In the article, Forti shares advice for helping a board to evolve alongside an organization’s changing needs and opportunities.
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Eight Ways to Get Valuable and Honest Advice from Your Board
Eight Ways to Get Valuable and Honest Advice from Your Board is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, eight nonprofit leaders share their best tips for building good board relationships and encouraging honest input from them.
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Five Elements of Collective Leadership
Five Elements of Collective Leadership is an article written by Cassandra O’Neill and Monica Brinkerhoff for The Nonprofit Quarterly . The article outlines five key elements (trust, shared power, transparent and effective communication, accountability, and shared learning) to make collective leadership work.
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Making Your Board More Inclusive: Two Cases
Making Your Board More Inclusive: Two Cases is an article written by Ruth McCambridge for The Nonprofit Quarterly . The article compares two cases of board diversity, providing guidance for the kinds of integrated strategies that make a difference in individual nonprofits.
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Nonprofit Boards Don’t Resemble Rest of America
Nonprofit Boards Don’t Resemble Rest of America is an article written by Andy Segedin for The NonProfit Times . The article examines the lack of diversity amongst nonprofit boards and explains why diversity is a vitally important issue.
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Professional Development: Ask The Tough Questions to Become a Leader
Professional Development: Ask The Tough Questions to Become a Leader is an article written for The NonProfit Times . The article identifies the questions one should ask when designing a plan for action and growth.
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Self-Coaching Strategies for Nonprofit Leaders
Self-Coaching Strategies for Nonprofit Leaders is an article written by Jean Lobell, Mohan Sikka and Pavitra Menon for The Nonprofit Quarterly . The article identifies a number of issues nonprofit leaders face, discusses the importance of each, and offers suggestions and approaches for overcoming them.
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What Are the Benefits of a More Diverse Board of Directors?
What Are the Benefits of a More Diverse Board of Directors? is an article written by Stephen Jackson for Techsoup . The article discusses the racial makeup between nonprofit boards and the U.S. population as a whole and identifies the benefits of having a diverse board of directors.
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4 Things Your Nonprofit Can Do to Recruit & Retain Millennial Leadership
4 Things Your Nonprofit Can Do to Recruit & Retain Millennial Leadership is an article written by Molly Rivera for Blue Avocado . Rivera discusses four things a nonprofit can do to recruit and retain talented young professionals.
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Best Practices for a More Impactful Nonprofit Board
Best Practices for a More Impactful Nonprofit Board is an article written for Smart Business Online . The article shares basic steps for ensuring that nonprofits stay aligned with their mission and put themselves in a strong position for the future.
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Engine of Impact: Essentials of Strategic Leadership in the Nonprofit Sector
Engine of Impact: Essentials of Strategic Leadership in the Nonprofit Sector is an article written by William F. Meehan III and Kim Starkey Jonker for Stanford Social Innovation Review . In the article, Meehan and Jonker discuss the strategic principle of “core competencies” and describe how it can be applied to the values of nonprofit organizations.
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Five Productivity Hacks For Nonprofit Bosses To Beat Burnout
Five Productivity Hacks For Nonprofit Bosses To Beat Burnout is an article written by Maimah Karmo for Forbes Nonprofit Council . The article details five tips for nonprofit leaders to accomplish their goals while maintaining balance in life and in the workplace.
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Igniting Leadership for Power, Purpose, and Impact
Igniting Leadership for Power, Purpose, and Impact is an article written by Anne Wallestad for The Nonprofit Quarterly . In the article, Wallestad shares four specific recommendations for unlocking the full leadership potential of organizations, boards, and executives.
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Nonprofit Board Responsibilities: The Basics
Nonprofit Board Responsibilities: The Basics is an article written by Bryce J. Herrington for The Nonprofit Quarterly . The article identifies the specific actions that are required of a nonprofit’s board to demonstrate and exercise its role in guiding and representing the best for the organization.
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Nonprofit Talent Sustainability Strategies: 5 Ways to Combat Hiring & Succession Planning Obstacles
Many nonprofits fail to think through their hiring strategies, often relying on interest in their mission to recruit and retain employees, rather than on what the organization really needs. Frequently they have no leadership transition or succession plan. This free eBook shares five strategies that will help address both hiring and succession planning challenges.
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The No. 1 Characteristic Every Nonprofit Leader Needs to Be Successful
The No. 1 Characteristic Every Nonprofit Leader Needs to Be Successful is an article written by Maimah Karmo for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, Karmo discusses what it means to be a servant leader and identifies the benefits of possessing such a quality.
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Transform the Bored Room: Firecracker Facilitation Tips
Transform the Bored Room: Firecracker Facilitation Tips is an article written by Emily Davis for BoardSource . The article provides a handful of small tips to turn board and committee meetings into more enjoyable experiences without an expert facilitator.
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Who Cares About How Nonprofit Foundation Boards Govern Themselves? I Do, and You Should Too
Who Cares About How Nonprofit Foundation Boards Govern Themselves? I Do, and You Should Too is an article written by Anne Wallestad for Huffington Post . In the article, Wallestad identifies a number of reasons why it is important for outsiders to see how boards operate and govern themselves.
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Yes, You Can – and Should! Nonprofit Advocacy as a Core Competency
Yes, You Can – and Should! Nonprofit Advocacy as a Core Competency is an article written by Dyana P. Mason for The Nonprofit Quarterly . In the article, Mason stresses the importance of advocacy and details what organizations are allowed to do based on their tax-exempt determination. To access this article, go to:
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A Roadmap to Better Boards
A Roadmap to Better Boards is an article written by Kate Hayes for Stanford Social Innovation Review . The article offers advice for creating a more diverse, inclusive, and equtable board through decision-making, infrastructure, and inclusion.
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How Great Leaders Inspire Their Teams To Work At Their Best
How Great Leaders Inspire Their Teams To Work At Their Best is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, five nonprofit leaders share how they inspire their teams, get centered, and work at a near-peak efficiency.
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How to Succeed on a Nonprofit Board
How to Succeed on a Nonprofit Board is an article written by Daniela Barone Soares and Jon Huggett for Stanford Social Innovation Review . The article highlights the importance of curiosity as it relates to becoming a successful board member.
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5 Steps To Orientating A New CEO
5 Steps To Orientating A New CEO is an article written for The NonProfit Times . The article offers tips for boards looking to welcome a new chief executive officer while maintaining a high level of performance.
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5 Ideas for Motivating and Managing
5 Ideas for Motivating and Managing is an article written for The NonProfit Times . The article discusses five considerations that can provide guidance in how to lead staff.
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Creating High-Functioning Nonprofits: Who Should Have What Financial Information?
Creating High-Functioning Nonprofits: Who Should Have What Financial Information? is a post written by the editors of The Nonprofit Quarterly . The post, along with a complementary video, details the different kinds of financial information ad outlines the risks associated with such information.
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Ensuring Sustainability in Times of Flux
Ensuring Sustainability in Times of Flux, an article written by Connor Thompson for The Nonprofit Partnership , describes the most effective ways to be responsive to an ever- changing landscape, most especially in regard to resources, financial and otherwise.
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