How Nonprofits and NGOs Can Get Real Value from Strategic Planning
Strategic planning is about making decisions that provide clarity and alignment to best put critical resources to use to achieve a nonprofit’s goals. Published by the Bridgespan Group, this essay by Lindsey Waldron, Preeta Nayak, Teni Lanre-Amos and Bradley Seeman starts with a candid overview – strategic planning sounds simple, yet many organizations struggle with the process, not knowing why, where, or how to start. This article helps by discussing four vital elements common to most strategic planning approaches and a number of common pitfalls to avoid. The four elements are: 1/ Clarify strategy. Make choices about the impact the organization wants to have, how, and for whom; 2/Set strategic priorities. Translate impact goals into several clearly articulated actions and activities; 3/Estimate resources. Figure out the time, money, and skills it will take to carry out strategic priorities successfully; and 4/Plan to implement. Determine how to manage and monitor the organizational changes required to execute the defined strategy. Several case examples also are included.
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Financial Insecurity in the Nonprofit Workforce
Nonprofits are fundamental to American society, delivering vital services and resources to those in need. Yet, a joint Independent Sector and United for ALICE study examining financial insecurity in the nonprofit workforce found that 22% of nonprofit employees experienced financial hardship in 2022. This September 2024 report presents the findings from this study.
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Just What is a Nonprofit, Anyway?
This article from the New Jersey Center for Nonprofits provides some broad definitions of American nonprofit organizations. It does not explore the pros and cons of the current system of laws and eligibility requirements for nonprofit and tax-exempt organizations. To make matters more confusing, the term “nonprofit” does not have a statutory meaning on the federal level. On the state level, it is used to describe corporations that are organized to advance a public or community interest rather than for individual personal or financial gain. Many — but not all — nonprofit corporations, depending upon their purposes, can qualify for exemption from federal corporate income taxes. The U.S. Internal Revenue Code contains more than 29 different classifications of tax-exempt groups, including professional associations, charitable organizations, civic leagues, labor unions, fraternal organizations, and social clubs, to name just a few. Depending on the category of the exemption, such groups are entitled to certain privileges and subject to certain reporting and disclosure requirements and limitations on their activities. In certain instances, contributions to nonprofit organizations are deductible from federal income taxes.
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Navigating the Shifting Landscape: A Strategic Approach to Nonprofit Talent in 2024 and Beyond
This 2024 report by Nonprofit HR bases its conclusions on the American workforce trends that are outlined in the Harvard Business Review and other leading business publications. It aims to merge these trends with leading practices of U.S.-based nonprofits, foundations, associations, and social impact organizations and is informed by Nonprofit HR’s work across the sector. The report also offers perspectives that social impact leaders can use in navigating the evolving talent landscape of 2024 and beyond.
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Social Connectedness and Generosity: A Look at How Associational Life and Social Connections Influence Volunteering and Giving (and Vice Versa)
This research report focused on a study of factors influencing volunteering and giving. Its analysis found that people who volunteered in the previous year were more likely to give in the current year by 14.5 percent, and people who gave in the previous year were 9.3 percent more likely to volunteer in the current year. The research was conducted by Nathan Dietz, at the DoGood Institute in the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland.
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The 2024 Best NPOs To Work For: Data Shows Satisfaction Slipping in Some Areas
The 2024 Best NPOs To Work For: Data Shows Satisfaction Slipping in Some Areas by
Richard H. Levey was published in April 2024 by the Nonprofit Times. The report from this annual study has some surprises for 2023 about the best nonprofits to work for in the United States nonprofit sector. The top 50 organizations outperformed the also-rans on a variety of metrics, as they have in the 13 years this study has been conducted (this is not a surprise). The individual organizations making the two lists (the best nonprofits to work for and the rest) during a given year vary but the metrics track over the years, giving something that looks like longitudinal data, with external pressures such as the economy generating rises and dips in their fortunes that largely seem credible.
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How Nonprofits Can Nurture Genuine Appreciation For Team Members
How Nonprofits Can Nurture Genuine Appreciation For Team Members is a March 2024 publication of the Forbes Nonprofit Council by Patricia McIlreavy. In this era of heightened competition for talent, remote work environments and increased burnout rates, nonprofit leaders must prioritize staff appreciation and recognition as a strategic imperative. This publication offers a number of strategies for nurturing appreciation.
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In Abundance: An Analysis of the Thriving Landscape of Collective Giving in the U.S.
In Abundance: An Analysis of the Thriving Landscape of Collective Giving in the U.S. is a 2024 national research report on various approaches to collective giving from the Johnson Center for Philanthropy, Colmena Consulting, and Philanthropy Together. Practiced in cultures all around the world, collective giving brings people together to pool their resources, including time, talent, treasure, testimony, and ties – often referred to as the 5 T’s. Groups like giving circles, Social Venture Partners chapters, giving projects, and fundraising circles have long served as democratic and philanthropic learning hubs – bringing historically marginalized voices into philanthropic decision-making spaces, challenging preconceived notions of who is considered a philanthropist, and elevating members as integral actors in the sector’s efforts to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in giving.
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2023 Nonprofit Organizations Salary and Benefits Report
This comprehensive report provides current salary information on 232 nonprofit positions from entry level to the executive office, and complete data on 94 employee benefit offerings including healthcare, retirement, executive perks, vacation, and much more. It also includes detailed salary and benefits trend data for 2023. The NonProfit Times has been producing this report for over 15 years.
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The New Nonprofits
This article by Steven Mintz for Inside Higher Education overviews the ever-growing nonprofit sector – which is now by some measures the third-largest area of employment in the United States, with over 1.5 million workers. It also discusses how academic institutions and faculty can best prepare their students, especially those in the humanities and the “soft” social sciences, for future work and careers with nonprofit organizations.
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Trust in Nonprofits, Philanthropy Continues to Decline, Study Finds
This article highlights results from an Independent Sector study, which shows the increasing decline of the trust Americans have in nonprofits. Additionally, the amount of distrust in philanthropy has also increased significantly.
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15 Nonprofit Leaders Share Startup Strategies To Leverage For Success
Featuring 15 members of the Forbes Nonprofit Council, this article discusses specific methods they’ve leveraged from startups to thrive in the face of constraints and how these strategies have proven instrumental in propelling their organizations toward sustainable success.
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2022 Equitable Nonprofit Workplace Report
2022 Equitable Nonprofit Workplace Report, co-authored by the Center for Nonprofit Management and Envision Consulting, presents current compensation and benefits data for a broad range of nonprofit jobs in Southern California. It also offers insights into the experiences of local nonprofit employees and organizations viewed through an equity lens, and makes recommendations for strengthening equity throughout an organization’s compensation, benefits, and human resources practices.
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A Guide For Attracting, Rewarding and Retaining Volunteers
This article highlights multiple ways organizations can attract volunteers. It also discusses both the benefit and impact that rewarding volunteers may have on retention.
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A Practical Process Guide to Getting and Keeping Your Volunteers
This article highlights multiple ways organizations can attract volunteers and how providing a nonprofit’s volunteers with the same recruitment, training, mentoring, and appreciation as employees can reduce turnover and create a better overall volunteer experience.
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How Nonprofits and NGOs Can Get Real Value From Strategic Planning
Strategic planning is about making decisions that provide clarity and alignment to best put critical resources to use to achieve a nonprofit’s goals. It sounds simple, yet many organizations struggle with the process, not knowing why, where, or how to start. This article can help. It shares four vital elements common to most strategic planning approaches and a number of common pitfalls to avoid.
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How to Start a Nonprofit That Will Change the World
This article by Anne Behk reviews May L. Harris’s How to Start a Nonprofit That Will Change the World: A Nonprofit Counsel Resource Guide. The review highlights the main points that Harris elaborates on in her book, where she details what steps should be taken to set up a successful nonprofit.
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More Nonprofit Employees are Moving to Unionize
This article by Tory Martin and Pat Robinson discusses current trends in the growth of nonprofit sector unions. While most of the national conversation understandably focuses on the role and popularity of unions within the corporate workforce, a parallel movement for unionization is taking place within the nonprofit sector, as well.
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Resource Directory for Nonprofit Capacity Building in Los Angeles
The 20th edition of this Directory (July 2023) offers a starting place to identify individuals and organizations providing capacity-building services and resources to nonprofit organizations in Los Angeles County. This free accessible document includes brief listings of information about: Consultants, Foundations, HR Provider Organizations, Grantseeker Information Centers, Management Support Organizations, Nonprofit Executive Director Coalitions, Nonprofit Management Higher Education Programs, Technology Resources and Volunteer Centers. Contact and brief descriptive information is provided. No verifications or ratings were done of information submitted by those listed, and as said in the Disclaimer at the beginning, no claim is made that the Directory is comprehensive.
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12 Tips For Establishing Telework In Your Nonprofit
The last few years have introduced a number of changes in workplaces across the world, with telework in particular proving that it has staying power as well as innumerable benefits for both employers and staff members if introduced with care and proper planning. Implementing telework into a nonprofit organization requires a considerate approach with all stakeholders in mind to achieve success. To help leaders integrate telework into their own organizations, 12 Forbes Nonprofit Council members each share tips that can aid the creation of a more hybrid- or remote-friendly workplace.
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12 Tips For Establishing Telework In Your Nonprofit
The last few years have introduced a number of changes in workplaces across the world, with telework in particular proving that it has staying power as well as innumerable benefits for both employers and staff members if introduced with care and proper planning. Implementing telework into a nonprofit organization requires a considerate approach with all stakeholders in mind to achieve success. To help leaders integrate telework into their own organizations, 12 Forbes Nonprofit Council members each share tips that can aid the creation of a more hybrid- or remote-friendly workplace.
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The Top 3 Cybersecurity Challenges Nonprofits Face and How to Address Them
Safeguarding the sensitive data of members, donors, and volunteers is critical for nonprofit organizations. Yet, the rise of digital transformation and remote work has created new cybersecurity challenges — and IT budgets often don’t keep pace. To maximize cybersecurity while keeping overhead ratios low and operations lean, nonprofits need to understand the top cybersecurity challenges they’re facing and how to address them cost-effectively.
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Candid’s 2022 Nonprofit Compensation Report
Candid’s 2022 Nonprofit Compensation Report captures the most authoritative and accurate executive compensation data from close to 88,000 nonprofits based on IRS data for fiscal year 2020. Published since 2001, this report continues to be the only large-scale analysis of its kind based entirely on IRS data, not surveys. With reliable and accurate information on compensation, organizations can support their recruiting activities while staying compliant with IRS requirements. The report not only shows differences in year-to-year compensation but also allows comparison of executive compensation by gender, organization budget size, cause area, and location (state and MSA). The report costs $449 for individuals and $1,199 for organizations.
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UHY 2022 Not-for-Profit Trends Report
In order for nonprofits to thrive in the current environment, it’s essential for organizations and their financial services providers to monitor trends and track emerging challenges in the industry. These are presented in the UHY 2022 trends report.
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5 Best Practices for Building a Nonprofit Annual Operating Budget (with Template!)
There are as many forms of nonprofit budgets as there are forms of organizations. Unlike financial statements, which have some rules and guidelines according to accounting standards, the same level of industry-imposed standardization for budget documents and formats doesn’t really exist. While it’s true that the look of the budget should vary according to the structure and function of the individual organizations, there are some best practices that all organizations should use when building their annual operating budgets. This article highlights five of them.
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7 Guiding Principles for a JDEI Policy That Isn’t Just Hot Air. Plus, a Free Sample Policy!
There have been JDEI (Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) assessments, JDEI-driven strategic planning processes, and formal statements in response to important individual events, but strangely there isn’t a lot of guidance for organizations that want to create a binding, board-approved policy that incorporates values, action plans, and accountability. Here are seven guiding principles to go beyond reactive or one-off statements in order to create a DEI policy that indicates a genuine and thorough commitment and has the greatest likelihood to transform your organization and lead to real change.
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2022 State of the Nonprofit Sector Survey
Nonprofit Finance Fund’s 2022 State of the Nonprofit Sector Survey collected data, stories, and advice from over 1,100 nonprofit leaders across the nation about the impact of the past two years, from the pandemic to events that activated calls for racial justice.
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Beyond ‘X Number Served’
To cure the social sector’s metric monomania, nonprofits must get comfortable with complexity. In this article about measuring nonprofit impact, Mona Mourshed discusses three types of impact – breadth, depth and durability.
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Stories From the Frontier: Breakthroughs, Challenges, and Recommendations from the First Five Years of Open 990 Data
This report describes how making IRS 990s searchable and freely available is empowering nonprofits by reducing costs and increasing efficiency. Making 990 data searchable and available for free to the public has revolutionized nonprofit information and scholarship by massively reducing costs and increasing efficiency. Researchers, nonprofits, government regulators, and journalists are using previously inaccessible data to further transparency, educate donors, advance knowledge, and fuel innovation.
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Gifts-In-Kind: New Reporting Rules for Nonprofits
Contributions of nonfinancial assets or so-called “gifts-in-kind” (“GIK”) can be an important source of financial support for nonprofits. These are the new reporting rules, which are discussed in this article.
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The Great Resignation—A Call for Change in Organizational Culture
In 2021, a record number of workers resigned from their jobs, including many in the nonprofit sector. Why? If one looks below the surface, it’s clear that organizational culture has significantly contributed to this flight, and this article explains how and why.
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How to Be a Great Supervisor: Insights Learned from 20 Years of Managing
Nonprofits call on employees more than ever to effectively balance their work life with increasing economic, health & safety, family, cultural, and political challenges. How can supervisors help their employees perform at their most productive level amid all the stressors in our lives? How can supervisors maintain consistency in their approach to managing their employees? What benefits can be derived for a nonprofit when supervisors display a thoughtful, positive approach toward managing their employees?
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Los Angeles County's Workforce Landscape: Why Is It So Complicated for the Systems and the Individuals Who Need Services? (Report 1)
Los Angeles County has one of the largest workforce and education ecosystems in the nation Despite an abundance of resources and successes, the region faces many challenges leveraging these resources to advance the economic mobility of the County’s 10 million residents. This report is the first of three reports shared for the LAEDC series, “Bolstering L.A.’s Workforce Ecosystem: A 3-Part Funder Dialogue.” It also has information and insights relevant for nonprofit leaders whose organizations are part of this ecosystem.
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2022 Nonprofit Talent Management Priorities Survey Results
This report summarizes results from a survey that assesses and reveals what nonprofit organizations are most concerned about regarding managing their people resources for 2022. Nonprofit HR researchers collected information pertaining to the full lifecycle of talent management and other related topics such as talent acquisition, culture and employee engagement, and total rewards.
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Foundations Respond to Crisis
Amid the unprecedented challenges of the past year, calls for funders to make fundamental changes in how they approach their work have grown in number and intensity. How are foundations responding to the past year’s crises? What high-level changes in practice are they making — and will these changes be for the long term? CEP explored these questions through surveying and interviewing U.S. foundation leaders. This three-part research series, Foundations Respond to Crisis, shares what was learned.
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The Post-Pandemic Nonprofit: 12 Disruptive Trends Your Nonprofit Must Master
Audrey Silverman, a fundraising professional working in the Jewish nonprofit sector, writes that the breadth of author Jeremy Reis’s suggestions means that most nonprofit professionals will be able to find something relevant and helpful to their organization’s needs. T
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5 Ways Nonprofits Can Use Research to Breakthrough to Success
This free guide has insights, tips, and real-life case studies showcasing how nonprofits have and can use research to amplify their good work, demonstrate meaningful impact, and show a return on investment that justifies continued or increased funding.
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Don’t Cook the Frog: Lessons from a Nonprofit’s Near-Death Experience
Eckerd Connects was a nonprofit that gradually lost sight of its original mission and almost didn’t survive — much like the fable of the frog being slowly boiled in a pot of water. This white paper shares their experience to help other nonprofits learn how to remain healthy and agile to fulfill their missions as they grow and transform. By accepting reality, operationalizing values, prioritizing execution, and conquering the “messy middle,” nonprofits can deliver on the promise of change.
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For Resilient Nonprofits, There Is Opportunity in Adversity
All throughout the past year’s crises, nonprofits have turned adversity into opportunities to serve their communities in previously unimagined ways, managing risks and harvesting rewards in the process. This article by Meera Chary and Bill Breen is the final in a three-part series on building nonprofit resilience.
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Lessons Learned From Pandemic Responses That Leverage Philanthropy
In this article for the Forbes Nonprofit Council by Filip Filipi focuses on how learning from others can increase a nonprofit’s success. It outlines four key lessons from entrepreneurs or brands that have responded to the pandemic by leveraging their own philanthropic endeavors – for example, “Start small, and grow your efforts as you expand your network.”
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The Post-Pandemic Nonprofit: 12 Disruptive Trends Your Nonprofit Must Master
In this publication author Jeremy Reis has identified twelve strategies across three categories that he sees as key areas of investment for nonprofits to focus on as a way to survive and thrive in a post-pandemic philanthropic landscape: Who We Are (organizational identity), How We Operate (programming and functionality), and How We Grow (innovation and organizational development).
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10 Ways Nonprofits Can Utilize Team Members’ For-Profit Skills
In this article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council, strategies for making use of skills a nonprofit staff member has learned through work in the private sector are discussed.
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FFCRA Paid Leaves 2021—Help!
FFCRA Paid Leaves 2021—Help! is an article by Mike Bishop, JD for Blue Avocado, which clarifies paid leave policies under the Flag and Families First Coronavirus Response Act. It responds to a question about how paid leave policy has changed during the pandemic.
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For Resilient Nonprofits, There Is Opportunity in Adversity
All throughout the past year’s crises, nonprofits have turned adversity into opportunities to serve their communities in previously unimagined ways, managing risks and harvesting rewards in the process. This article by Meera Chary and Bill Breen is the final in a three-part series on building nonprofit resilience.
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Lessons Learned From Pandemic Responses That Leverage Philanthropy
In this article for the Forbes Nonprofit Council by Filip Filipi focuses on how learning from others can increase a nonprofit’s success. It outlines four key lessons from entrepreneurs or brands that have responded to the pandemic by leveraging their own philanthropic endeavors – for example, “Start small, and grow your efforts as you expand your network.”
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Performance Evaluations Shouldn’t Be Uncomfortable
Performance Evaluations Shouldn’t Be Uncomfortable is an article by Paul Clolery written for The Nonprofit Times, which discusses the discomfort many nonprofit managers experience when providing performance evaluations for employees – especially if the evaluation is unfavorable. A lot of managers would rather avoid them altogether, but they need to be treated with the same importance as any other business meeting, and they need to be well-prepared but not sound scripted in their presentation.
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11 Ways Nonprofits Can Garner Feedback from Donors and Customers
In this article, 11 leaders from Forbes Nonprofit Council offer advice on how a nonprofit can generate feedback from both donors and customers to better plot the trajectory of the organization going forward.
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How the Covid-19 Crisis Will Change Nonprofits Moving Forward
One’s job as a nonprofit leader now is to replicate actual physical engagement in a virtual environment. In this article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council, Kevin Xu offers three strategies to simplify that process.
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Using Real-Time Strategic Planning to Evaluate Nonprofit Partnerships
This article discusses the benefits of Real-Time Strategic Planning (RTSP), developed by La Piana Consulting to allow organizations to consider their strategic focus effectively and in a fraction of the time required by traditional strategic planning.
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14 Smart Ways to Approach Nonprofit Financial Planning in Uncertain Times
In this article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council, 14 nonprofit leaders share their takes on how nonprofits can plan for a financially successful future in these uncertain times.
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A Year Like None Other: 2020’s Impact on Nonprofit Revenue and Programming
In this article written for Nonprofit Quarterly, Jeanne Bell and Ruth McCambridge share some key findings from a survey about nonprofits’ financial and related programmatic realities of 2020.
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Breaking Down Organizational Silos: 11 Tactics for Nonprofits
In this article, 11 leaders from Forbes Nonprofit Council look at the most effective tactics for breaking down these organizational silos and increasing communication amongst departments and teams.
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For Nonprofits, Uncertainty Equals Opportunity
This article, written by Matt Brown for BoardSource, examines the current state of nonprofit fundraising and discusses the ways in which nonprofits can take advantage during these uncertain times.
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How Can A Strategic Plan Advance Your Nonprofit?
This article, written by Forbes Nonprofit Council member Victoria Burkhart, details the importance of creating a strategic plan and outlines the steps one must take to effectively implement it.
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How Creative Collaboration Can Help Nonprofits Survive and Thrive
This article, written by Forbes Nonprofit Council member Steven Moore, defines creative collaboration and discusses how it can be of particular use to small and midsize nonprofits as they begin to plan for 2021 and navigate the coming challenges of the next several years resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
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How Nonprofits Can Keep Looking Ahead and Plan In Uncertain Times
This article, written by Jose Luis Castro for Forbes Nonprofit Council, shares some guiding principles to keep in mind when entering a formal strategic planning process or conducting less formal discussions to create new goals and objectives.
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Looking for Disruptive Nonprofit Opportunities? Take These 15 Actions
As a nonprofit leader, it’s important to keep searching for opportunities to “disrupt” your organization and create positive change. To help, Forbes Nonprofit Council shares their top recommendations for how leaders can find these disruptive opportunities for the benefit of their organization.
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Financial Leadership: Making Good Decisions in Unprecedented Times
This is an article written by Jeanne Bell for The Nonprofit Quarterly. The article, along with a video, features a conversation among seasoned executives and nonprofit finance experts as they discuss the practices they have used to stabilize their own organizations.
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Four Mindsets That Accelerate Nonprofit Growth
Four Mindsets That Accelerate Nonprofit Growth is an article written by Matthew Forti for Stanford Social Innovation Review . In the article, Forti outlines how a set of strategies related to target-setting, financial modeling, program measurement, and organizational culture can help organizations reach major milestones.
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Resource Directory for Nonprofit Capacity Building in Los Angeles
The seventeenth edition of this Directory (May 2020) offers a starting place to identify individuals and organizations providing capacity-building services and resources to nonprofit organizations in Los Angeles County. It provides information on Consultants, Foundations, Grantseeker Information Centers, Human Resource Provider Organizations, Information Centers, Management Support Organizations, Nonprofit Management Higher Education Programs, Nonprofit Resource Centers in Surrounding Counties, Technology Resources and Volunteer Centers. Contact and brief descriptive information is provided.
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12 Strategies to Keep Up with Evolving Nonprofit Challenges
12 Strategies to Keep Up with Evolving Nonprofit Challenges is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, a panel of nonprofit executives share their best strategies and recommendations for making sure an organization is adapting well to unexpected obstacles.
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Four Mindsets That Accelerate Nonprofit Growth
Four Mindsets That Accelerate Nonprofit Growth is an article written by Matthew Forti for Stanford Social Innovation Review . In the article, Forti outlines how a set of strategies related to target-setting, financial modeling, program measurement, and organizational culture can help organizations reach major milestones.
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Retention Strategies for Combating Nonprofit Turnover
Retention Strategies for Combating Nonprofit Turnover is an article written for Sumac . The article shares a few basic strategies to help nonprofits retain more employees and volunteers.
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Why Your Campaign Needs a Planning Study
Why Your Campaign Needs a Planning Study is an article written for The NonProfit Times . The article details the many aspects of a planning study as well as the ways in which in can benefit an organization moving forward.
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Asking Questions About Sustainability, Scale, and Systems Change
Asking Questions About Sustainability, Scale, and Systems Change is an article written by Ryan Glasgo & Sandhya Nakhasi for Stanford Social Innovation Review . The article details a flexible, mission-based approach for nonprofits trying to plan for scale, systems change, and sustainability at the same time.
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Five Questions Nonprofit Boards Should Ask at Every Meeting
Five Questions Nonprofit Boards Should Ask at Every Meeting is an article written by Patrick Jinks for Forbes Nonprofit Council . The article emphasizes the importance of a strategic plan and lists five questions that should be asked to keep a board focused on that plan over the course of the year.
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How to Lead Your Nonprofit Like a Startup
How to Lead Your Nonprofit Like a Startup is an article written by Kym Frank for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, Frank offers advice for established organizations looking to adopt a startup mentality to improve outcomes and push organizational goals forward.
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Models and Components of a Great Nonprofit Dashboard
Models and Components of a Great Nonprofit Dashboard is an article written by Hilda H. Polanco and Sarah Walker for Nonprofit Quarterly . In the article, Polanco and Walker define what makes up a nonprofit dashboard and aim to set readers on the path toward creating an effective one or improving one already in use.
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Nine Challenges That May Impact the Nonprofit Sector in 2020
Nine Challenges That May Impact the Nonprofit Sector in 2020 is an article written by an expert panel for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, nine nonprofit executives predict some upcoming challenges that are likely to have a large impact on the nonprofit sector in 2020.
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Rethinking Nonprofit Infrastructure
Rethinking Nonprofit Infrastructure is an article written by Cyndi Suarez for Nonprofit Quarterly . The article explores the issues that limit the adequate development of nonprofit infrastructure – and how they revolve around a core tension about what infrastructure is supposed to do.
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Using Shared Services to Maximize Your Nonprofit Budget
Using Shared Services to Maximize Your Nonprofit Budget is an article written by Lori Manzelli for Third Sector New England . The article discusses two models for change that allow nonprofit organizations to maximize economies of scale by adopting alternate structures focused on partnership. With these models, nonprofits can save money, increase collaboration, and build their capacity to focus on their mission-based work.
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Nine Tips For Adopting A 'Startup Mentality' As A Nonprofit
Nine Tips For Adopting A ‘Startup Mentality’ As A Nonprofit is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, nine nonprofit leaders share their thoughts on how a nonprofit can adopt a “startup” mentality and invigorate an organization through passion, collaboration and fast, constant innovation.
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Steps to Improving Your Team’s Performance
Steps to Improving Your Team’s Performance is an article written by Allison Motz for Grantspace . The article, likening a nonprofit’s team to a sports team, details how to train, review and evaluate past performance, have the equipment needed, and possess excellent communication skills across the organization to ensure everyone knows the play.
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Seven Strategies for Maintaining Mutually Beneficial Relationships with Nonprofit Partners
Seven Strategies for Maintaining Mutually Beneficial Relationships with Nonprofit Partners is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, seven nonprofit leaders share their best advice for ensuring partnerships remain mutually beneficial.
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Stretched Too Thin? 10 Ways to Help Your Nonprofit Employees Better Manage Their Time
Stretched Too Thin? 10 Ways to Help Your Nonprofit Employees Better Manage Their Time is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, a panel of nonprofit experts shares several tactics to help individuals and teams proactively manage a schedule while still delivering the best work possible.
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10 Strategies to Successfully Start, Fund and Run a Nonprofit Organization
10 Strategies to Successfully Start, Fund and Run a Nonprofit Organization, an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council , has ten nonprofit leaders share critical pieces of advice for those looking to establish a new nonprofit.
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An Executive Director’s Guide to Financial Leadership
There is a world of difference between financial management and financial leadership. Refocusing a nonprofit’s approach fiscal sustainability and agility is essential. Outlined in this expert guide are such activities as transforming annual budget analysis, deciding whether or not income diversification is appropriate, achieving a robust reserve, and equipping the board for effective financial governance.
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Cash Flow in the Nonprofit Business Model: A Question of Whats and Whens
Cash Flow in the Nonprofit Business Model: A Question of Whats and Whens is an article written by Hilda H. Polanco and John Summers for The Nonprofit Quarterly . The article discusses how cash flow impacts—and is impacted by—the way a nonprofit does business. Polanco and Summers also discuss the number one critical component of any business: day-to-day liquidity.
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Top Factors Expected to Influence Nonprofit Organizations In 2019
Top Factors Expected to Influence Nonprofit Organizations In 2019 is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . While it isn’t possible to perfectly predict the exact factors that will impact nonprofit organizations in 2019, those with experience in the industry have some informed ideas. In the article, nonprofit leaders each share the top three factors they expect to influence or change the way nonprofits function this year.
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What Will Nonprofits Look Like In 2025? Nine Experts Weigh In
What Will Nonprofits Look Like In 2025? Nine Experts Weigh In is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, a panel of Forbes Nonprofit Council members identify which factors they believe will influence or change the way an organization functions over the next several years.
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A New Paradigm for Nonprofit Measurement
A New Paradigm for Nonprofit Measurement is an article written for Stanford Social Innovation Review . The article, accompanied by a video, discusses how the process of collecting feedback from constituents provides a much needed third dimension to nonprofit measurement practice.
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Building 2019 Based On Headaches Of 2018
Building 2019 Based On Headaches Of 2018 is an article written for The NonProfit Times . The article discusses how to best burn away the prior year’s most difficult events in the nonprofit sector, and how to safely open the door to the new year.
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Evaluation with the End in Mind
Evaluation with the End in Mind is an article written by Ann W. St. Claire and Barbara A. Schillo for Stanford Social Innovation Review . In the article, St. Claire and Schillo discuss the importance of evaluation as well as how to best utilize it to drive progress toward end goals.
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How To Successfully And Sustainably Scale Your Nonprofit
How To Successfully And Sustainably Scale Your Nonprofit is an article written by Eric Griswold for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, Griswold defines what it means to scale” and identifies some areas the management team or board of directors should focus on to effectively scale a nonprofit.
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Key Strategies to Measure the Impact of Your Organization
Key Strategies to Measure the Impact of Your Organization is an article written by Laurel Molloy for GrantSpace . The article discusses the challenges of measuring impact as well as the importance of doing so.
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Nonprofit Standard Newsletter – Winter 2018
Nonprofit Standard Newsletter – Winter 2018, a publication from BDO, provides readers with a number of articles focusing on key trends in the nonprofit industry. This particular edition includes articles on innovation, generational workforce changes, and running a nonprofit with a for-profit vision.
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Should a Nonprofit Splurge on Management?
Should a Nonprofit Splurge on Management? Is an article written by Kwame Anthony Appiah for The New York Times Magazine . The article defines the importance of the economy as related to the hiring of nonprofit leaders.
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The Nonprofit’s Guide to Managing Documents in the Cloud Effectively
The Nonprofit’s Guide to Managing Documents in the Cloud Effectively is an article written by Stephen Jackson for TechSoup . The article provides several strategies for effective digital document management along with some of the tools available to nonprofits.
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Trying to Attract Millennials To Your Organization? It's All About the Benefits
Trying to Attract Millennials To Your Organization? It’s All About the Benefits is an article written by Martin Trussell for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, Trussell discusses how a nonprofit can best appeal to the millennial generation, communicate the benefits of involvement, and educate millennial employees. To access this article, go to:
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Capacity Building: The Key To Sustainable Movements
Capacity Building: The Key To Sustainable Movements is an article written by Michele Lord for Forbes Nonprofit Council . The article offers advice for moving an organization beyond surviving to thriving, while taking an extra step to make an investment in capacity building.
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Embracing Organizational Conflicts as Opportunities for Dialogue and Learning
Embracing Organizational Conflicts as Opportunities for Dialogue and Learning, an article written by Ning Jun Yuan for Third Sector New England . The article discusses how to identify chronic tensions in an organization and place them into the proper context.
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How Nonprofits Can Save Time and Money: Why Cloud Integrations Matter
How Nonprofits Can Save Time and Money: Why Cloud Integrations Matter is an article written by Sima Thakkar for TechSoup . In the article, Thakkar discusses the capabilities of the cloud and the many ways in which nonprofits can save both time and money by using it.
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Process Evaluation vs. Outcome Evaluation
Process Evaluation vs. Outcome Evaluation is an article written by MissionWorks for Third Sector New England . The article examines the difference between outcome evaluation and process evaluation and presents important questions that will help shape evaluation to be more useful.
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What Nonprofits Can Learn from Tech Startups
What Nonprofits Can Learn from Tech Startups, an article written by Kathryn Svobodny for TechSoup , shares several helpful lessons for nonprofits from companies just getting off the ground.
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3 Benefits Of Nonprofit Competition -- And Why We Need It
3 Benefits Of Nonprofit Competition — And Why We Need It is an article written by Tori Utley for Forbes . In the article, Utley identifies the different aspects of competition within the nonprofit sector and the opportunities for growth that come with them.
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4 Tests for Enhancing Staff Performance
4 Tests for Enhancing Staff Performance is an article written for The NonProfit Times . The article discusses the four tests an organization’s culture should meet to be a “performance-enhancing force.”
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Metrics for Mission Impact: How Nonprofits Can Strengthen Outcomes Through Quantitative Measures
In their article, “Nonprofit Starvation Cycle”, Ann Goggins Gregory and Dan Howard exhort nonprofit finance professionals to report to funders the real costs of running nonprofits. Using advice from sector thought leaders, this ebook explores the metrics needed to ensure that a nonprofit is financially healthy, spending dollars wisely, and creating mission impact efficiently.
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QuickBooks for Nonprofits: Planning and Implementation
QuickBooks for Nonprofits: Planning and Implementation is an article written by Mark McCallick for TechSoup . The article guides individuals through understanding, installing and implementing QuickBooks for an organization.
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Smart Spending: Six Ways to Keep Your Nonprofit’s Overhead as Low as Possible
Smart Spending: Six Ways to Keep Your Nonprofit’s Overhead as Low as Possible, an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council , shares a number of financial strategies for balancing a budget and controlling overhead. To access this article, go to:
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Social Startup Success: How the Best Nonprofit Launch, Scale Up and Make a Difference
Social Startup Success: How the Best Nonprofit Launch, Scale Up and Make a Difference is an article written by Kathleen Kelly Janus for Stanford Social Innovation Review . In her article, Janus identifies the many strategies nonprofits need to lay the foundation for success and social impact.
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Note : Appearance of activities, publications or organizations in these website listings does not constitute any type of endorsement from the Dwight Stuart Youth Fund. These listings are provided solely for informational purposes.