A Guide to Creating a Free Website for Your Nonprofit
Building a website for a nonprofit organization doesn’t need to be heavy on the pocket. This guide identifies the several platforms that can be used to build smart and engaging websites easily and discusses the features and advantages of each.
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Build A Rock-Solid Email Campaign with These Four Steps
Build A Rock-Solid Email Campaign with These Four Steps is an article written by an expert panel for Forbes Nonprofit Council. In the article, the experts of Forbes Nonprofit Council share their thoughts on how to improve different types of emails and receive a greater response overall.
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Communication: The Glue That Holds an Organization Together
Communication: The Glue That Holds an Organization Together is an article written by Cari Cho for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, Cho shares some of the mistakes a nonprofit’s management team can make in the communication department and the lessons that can be learned from such experiences.
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Creating a Digital-First Strategy
Creating a Digital-First Strategy is an article written by Adrienne Day for Stanford Social Innovation Review. Examining the experiences of prominent nonprofit organizations, Day examines why nonprofit leaders should think less about the technology and more about the people who will use it and the goals they hope to achieve.
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Envisioning the Future of Virtual Fundraising
his article, written for The Nonprofit Quarterly, discusses the pros and cons of virtual fundraising, the possibility of a hybrid model and the importance of human nature to fundraising regardless of the medium used.
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Financial Leadership: Making Good Decisions in Unprecedented Times
This is an article written by Jeanne Bell for The Nonprofit Quarterly. The article, along with a video, features a conversation among seasoned executives and nonprofit finance experts as they discuss the practices they have used to stabilize their own organizations.
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Four Mindsets That Accelerate Nonprofit Growth
Four Mindsets That Accelerate Nonprofit Growth is an article written by Matthew Forti for Stanford Social Innovation Review . In the article, Forti outlines how a set of strategies related to target-setting, financial modeling, program measurement, and organizational culture can help organizations reach major milestones.
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Resource Directory for Nonprofit Capacity Building in Los Angeles
The seventeenth edition of this Directory (May 2020) offers a starting place to identify individuals and organizations providing capacity-building services and resources to nonprofit organizations in Los Angeles County. It provides information on Consultants, Foundations, Grantseeker Information Centers, Human Resource Provider Organizations, Information Centers, Management Support Organizations, Nonprofit Management Higher Education Programs, Nonprofit Resource Centers in Surrounding Counties, Technology Resources and Volunteer Centers. Contact and brief descriptive information is provided.
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Why Your Campaign Needs a Planning Study
Why Your Campaign Needs a Planning Study is an article written for The NonProfit Times . The article details the many aspects of a planning study as well as the ways in which in can benefit an organization moving forward.
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4 Email Marketing Mistakes Most Non-Profits Are Making
4 Email Marketing Mistakes Most Non-Profits Are Making is an article written for Sumac . The article identifies four of the most common mistakes nonprofits are making with their email marketing campaigns and offers suggestions for how to best avoid them.
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5 Hiring Pitfalls to Avoid—If You Want Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Leadership
5 Hiring Pitfalls to Avoid—If You Want Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Leadership is an article written for Nonprofit Quarterly . The article identifies some established practices that are likely holding back an organization’s recruitment and leadership development practices and details how to fix them.
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12 Strategies to Keep Up with Evolving Nonprofit Challenges
12 Strategies to Keep Up with Evolving Nonprofit Challenges is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, a panel of nonprofit executives share their best strategies and recommendations for making sure an organization is adapting well to unexpected obstacles.
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15 Email Marketing Tips to Help Nonprofits Expand Their Reach
15 Email Marketing Tips to Help Nonprofits Expand Their Reach is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council. In the article, fifteen nonprofit leaders share tips for how to maximize an email marketing strategy and take advantage of “more eyes on the mission.”
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Communication: The Glue That Holds an Organization Together
Communication: The Glue That Holds an Organization Together is an article written by Cari Cho for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, Cho shares some of the mistakes a nonprofit’s management team can make in the communication department and the lessons that can be learned from such experiences.
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Creating a Digital-First Strategy
Creating a Digital-First Strategy is an article written by Adrienne Day for Stanford Social Innovation Review. Examining the experiences of prominent nonprofit organizations, Day examines why nonprofit leaders should think less about the technology and more about the people who will use it and the goals they hope to achieve.
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Exit Agreements for Nonprofit CEOs: A Guide for Boards and Executives
Exit Agreements for Nonprofit CEOs: A Guide for Boards and Executives is an article written by Tom Adams, Melanie Herman and Tim Wolfred for Nonprofit Quarterly . The article offers readers a context and a set of choices in considering whether an exit agreement is needed and, if so, what might be included.
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Facing a Bottleneck: Three Ways to Lead Your Nonprofit through Growing Pains
Facing a Bottleneck: Three Ways to Lead Your Nonprofit through Growing Pains is an article written by Jamie Aten for Forbes Nonprofit Council . The article details the struggles of a growing organization and offers advice for tackling each challenge.
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Five Digital Marketing Trends for Nonprofits to Leverage In 2020
Five Digital Marketing Trends for Nonprofits to Leverage In 2020 is an article written by Gloria Horsely for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, Horsely details several digital marketing trends that can help nonprofits respond to the need to move more into the digital environment – where many donors and volunteers tend to spend most of their time.
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Four Mindsets That Accelerate Nonprofit Growth
Four Mindsets That Accelerate Nonprofit Growth is an article written by Matthew Forti for Stanford Social Innovation Review . In the article, Forti outlines how a set of strategies related to target-setting, financial modeling, program measurement, and organizational culture can help organizations reach major milestones.
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Lessons from the Front Line for Nonprofit CEO Successions
Lessons from the Front Line for Nonprofit CEO Successions is an article written by Gali Cooks and Eben Harrell for Stanford Social Innovation Review . The article shares the stories of several successful nonprofit leadership transitions in the hope that their stories will provide inspiration for other nonprofits.
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Retention Strategies for Combating Nonprofit Turnover
Retention Strategies for Combating Nonprofit Turnover is an article written for Sumac . The article shares a few basic strategies to help nonprofits retain more employees and volunteers.
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Six Ways Technology Can Cultivate Local Nonprofit Connections
Six Ways Technology Can Cultivate Local Nonprofit Connections is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, six nonprofit executives share how they’ve seen organizations form connections in their local communities by leveraging technological advancements and offer insight into how technology can help other nonprofits do the same.
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Three Sources for Engaging Nonprofit Content
Three Sources for Engaging Nonprofit Content is an article written by Dr. Gloria Horsley for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, Dr. Horsley shares three sources that provide inspiration for content ideas as well as material that aligns with audience interests. While every nonprofit is different, these sources are still a good place to start.
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Why Your Campaign Needs a Planning Study
Why Your Campaign Needs a Planning Study is an article written for The NonProfit Times . The article details the many aspects of a planning study as well as the ways in which in can benefit an organization moving forward.
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Asking Questions About Sustainability, Scale, and Systems Change
Asking Questions About Sustainability, Scale, and Systems Change is an article written by Ryan Glasgo & Sandhya Nakhasi for Stanford Social Innovation Review . The article details a flexible, mission-based approach for nonprofits trying to plan for scale, systems change, and sustainability at the same time.
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Five Questions Nonprofit Boards Should Ask at Every Meeting
Five Questions Nonprofit Boards Should Ask at Every Meeting is an article written by Patrick Jinks for Forbes Nonprofit Council . The article emphasizes the importance of a strategic plan and lists five questions that should be asked to keep a board focused on that plan over the course of the year.
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Five Revenue Streams to Boost Fundraising After a Down Year
Five Revenue Streams to Boost Fundraising After a Down Year is an article written by Thomas Bogbanno for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, Bognanno identifies five revenue streams that are vital for a successful fundraising campaign, using trends and predictions for the coming year.
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How to Lead Your Nonprofit Like a Startup
How to Lead Your Nonprofit Like a Startup is an article written by Kym Frank for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, Frank offers advice for established organizations looking to adopt a startup mentality to improve outcomes and push organizational goals forward.
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How to Put Together a Nonprofit Board of Directors
How to Put Together a Nonprofit Board of Directors is an article written by Deborah Sweeney for The Story Exchange . In the article, Sweeney offers advice for how to vet potential candidates for a board and how to look for individuals who possess the right mix of qualifications.
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Models and Components of a Great Nonprofit Dashboard
Models and Components of a Great Nonprofit Dashboard is an article written by Hilda H. Polanco and Sarah Walker for Nonprofit Quarterly . In the article, Polanco and Walker define what makes up a nonprofit dashboard and aim to set readers on the path toward creating an effective one or improving one already in use.
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Nine Challenges That May Impact the Nonprofit Sector in 2020
Nine Challenges That May Impact the Nonprofit Sector in 2020 is an article written by an expert panel for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, nine nonprofit executives predict some upcoming challenges that are likely to have a large impact on the nonprofit sector in 2020.
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Nine Practical Actions Nonprofits Can Implement to Increase Donor Trust
Nine Practical Actions Nonprofits Can Implement to Increase Donor Trust is an article written by an expert panel for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, nine nonprofit executives offer advice about how to help donors feel comfortable with where their gifts to a nonprofit are going.
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Rethinking Nonprofit Infrastructure
Rethinking Nonprofit Infrastructure is an article written by Cyndi Suarez for Nonprofit Quarterly . The article explores the issues that limit the adequate development of nonprofit infrastructure – and how they revolve around a core tension about what infrastructure is supposed to do.
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Rethinking Philanthropy for the Next Generation
Rethinking Philanthropy for the Next Generation is an article written by Lawson Bader for Forbes Nonprofit Council . Bader discusses the increasing impact of millennial donors and how nonprofits can best approach them in a way that increases interest and involvement.
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Successfully Navigating an Executive Director Transition
Successfully Navigating an Executive Director Transition is an article written by C.J. Hirschfield for Blue Avocado . The article outlines five things that can help lead an organization through a successful, graceful departure of an ED, and set the nonprofit up for success moving forward.
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The 4 Types of Power Players: How They Disrupt Boards and What to Do About Them
The 4 Types of Power Players: How They Disrupt Boards and What to Do About Them is an article written by Donald Summers for BoardSource . The article offers advice for how to identify a particular type of power play in nonprofit Boards while it is happening and how to act swiftly to protect and preserve collaboration and equity of participation.
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Three Ways A Small Communications Team Can Improve Donor Engagement
Three Ways A Small Communications Team Can Improve Donor Engagement is an article written by Lindsay Crossland for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, Crossland discusses what a small nonprofit communications team can do when supporters expect the output and efficiency of a top technology company and how to best maximize interactions with donors through an intentional and proactive communication strategy.
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Using Shared Services to Maximize Your Nonprofit Budget
Using Shared Services to Maximize Your Nonprofit Budget is an article written by Lori Manzelli for Third Sector New England . The article discusses two models for change that allow nonprofit organizations to maximize economies of scale by adopting alternate structures focused on partnership. With these models, nonprofits can save money, increase collaboration, and build their capacity to focus on their mission-based work.
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Why Nonprofits Need Emergency Transition Plans
Why Nonprofits Need Emergency Transition Plans is an article written by Ruth McCambridge for Nonprofit Quarterly . The article analyzes the sudden departure of an organization’s CEO and how it relates to the need for an emergency transition plan.
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Why the Decline in Individual Donors Should Matter to Institutional Philanthropy—and What to Do about It
Why the Decline in Individual Donors Should Matter to Institutional Philanthropy—and What to Do about It is an article written by Shena Ashley for Nonprofit Quarterly . The article addresses the decline of small and mid-sized donor households and discusses why it is an urgent matter for the entire sector.
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7 Emails to Send That Aren’t Fundraising Asks
7 Emails to Send That Aren’t Fundraising Asks is an article written by Taylor Elizabeth-Rose for NTEN . The article discusses the importance of using email marketing for effective storytelling and offers email suggestions built to engage supporters without over-asking.
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7 Ways to Effectively Communicate What You're Doing with Donation Money
7 Ways to Effectively Communicate What You’re Doing with Donation Money is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, eight nonprofit leaders share their advice on how to effectively communicate to donors how their money is being used, as well as what an organization has accomplished with those funds.
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Eight Key Actions Nonprofits Should Take When Pursuing Sponsors
Eight Key Actions Nonprofits Should Take When Pursuing Sponsors is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, eight nonprofit leaders share what they see as necessary actions for nonprofits seeking corporate funding, and explain why those operations are essential to success.
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How to Systemize Improvement for Your Nonprofit Website
How to Systemize Improvement for Your Nonprofit Website is an article written by Temi Adewumi for NTEN . The article offers a number of suggestions for how to make website improvement a regular practice in an organization.
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Ignite Your Board Members’ Passion
Ignite Your Board Members’ Passion is an article written by Joan Garry for The Nonprofit Quarterly . In the article, Garry shares a simple equation for coaching executive directors, which creates a more productive partnership and equips trustees with the enthusiasm and tools they need to become real ambassadors for an organization.
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Informing Change: A Guide to Organizational Capacity Assessment Tools
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation’s Effective Philanthropy Group partnered with Informing Change to better understand the landscape of existing (publicly available) Organizational Capacity Assessment tools and to outline best practices for using these tools in various contexts. The publication shares a wide array of available tools that can play various roles to support or launch the larger undertaking of organizational capacity development.
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Nine Tips For Adopting A 'Startup Mentality' As A Nonprofit
Nine Tips For Adopting A ‘Startup Mentality’ As A Nonprofit is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, nine nonprofit leaders share their thoughts on how a nonprofit can adopt a “startup” mentality and invigorate an organization through passion, collaboration and fast, constant innovation.
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Recruiting Nonprofit Volunteers: The Landscape of Platforms and Services
Recruiting Nonprofit Volunteers: The Landscape of Platforms and Services is an article written by Chris Bernard for Idealware . The report explains how volunteer opportunities inform recruitment methods, what tools and services are available to organizations of varying sizes and budgets, and how they align with recruiting best practices.
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Should Your CEO Serve as a Board Member?
Should Your CEO Serve as a Board Member? is an article written by Jenifer Holland for BoardSource . The article discusses the many considerations to be explored when asking the question of whether or not a CEO should serve on the board of the very organization they lead.
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Steps to Improving Your Team’s Performance
Steps to Improving Your Team’s Performance is an article written by Allison Motz for Grantspace . The article, likening a nonprofit’s team to a sports team, details how to train, review and evaluate past performance, have the equipment needed, and possess excellent communication skills across the organization to ensure everyone knows the play.
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Who Brands Your Nonprofit? Who Tells Its Story and How?
Who Brands Your Nonprofit? Who Tells Its Story and How? is an article written by Carlo Cuesta for Nonprofit Quarterly . The article emphasizes the importance of storytelling as it relates to organizational identity and identifies the keys to tell the story effectively and with purpose.
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Do Nonprofit CEOs and CFOs Occupy a Strategic Space Together? Not Always
Do Nonprofit CEOs and CFOs Occupy a Strategic Space Together? Not Always is an article written by Ruth McCambridge for The Nonprofit Quarterly . The article details the findings of a recent survey in which CEOs and CFOs at nonprofit organizations reveal that they view organizational priorities and challenges somewhat differently.
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Eight Common Nonprofit Fundraising Mistakes to Avoid
Eight Common Nonprofit Fundraising Mistakes to Avoid is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, eight nonprofit leaders share their own fundraising mistakes and offer advice to nonprofits for how to best avoid making the same ones.
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Keeping People Engaged in Your Cause with Help from Behavioral Science
Keeping People Engaged in Your Cause with Help from Behavioral Science is an article written by Edith Asibey & Joy Portella for Stanford Social Innovation Review . For nonprofits struggling to keep supporters excited about their causes, the article shares five recommendations from B.J. Fogg’s model for getting people to act.
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Lessons to Be Learned from Well-Meaning but Flawed Governance
Lessons to Be Learned from Well-Meaning but Flawed Governance is an article written for BoardSource . In the article, a well-respected, but anonymous, nonprofit governance expert shares constructive feedback for understanding good governance and adopting good practices to facilitate each board member’s ability to exercise the duty of care.
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Maximize Your Time Connecting Offline
Maximize Your Time Connecting Offline, an article written by Kate Tkacik for GrantSpace , details the importance and value of in-person connections and offers advice for how to best “show up.”
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Self-Coaching Strategies for Nonprofit Leaders
Self-Coaching Strategies for Nonprofit Leaders is an article written by Jean Lobell, Mohan Sikka and Pavitra Menon for The Nonprofit Quarterly . Using a variety of situations as cases, the article walks the reader through how to best consider options for action through a self-coaching process.
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Setting and Executing Nonprofit Fundraising Goals: A Guide
Setting and Executing Nonprofit Fundraising Goals: A Guide is a resource posted by Bob Happy for BoardSource . The guide examines some of the most important steps when setting a nonprofit’s fundraising goals to make sure the fundraising team, supporters, and board members are prepared for the next campaign.
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Seven Strategies for Maintaining Mutually Beneficial Relationships with Nonprofit Partners
Seven Strategies for Maintaining Mutually Beneficial Relationships with Nonprofit Partners is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, seven nonprofit leaders share their best advice for ensuring partnerships remain mutually beneficial.
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Seven Ways to Bounce Back When Your Fundraising Campaign Falls Flat
Seven Ways to Bounce Back When Your Fundraising Campaign Falls Flat is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, seven nonprofit leaders share some of the best steps an organization can take after a missed fundraising goal to ensure success moving forward.
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Stretched Too Thin? 10 Ways to Help Your Nonprofit Employees Better Manage Their Time
Stretched Too Thin? 10 Ways to Help Your Nonprofit Employees Better Manage Their Time is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, a panel of nonprofit experts shares several tactics to help individuals and teams proactively manage a schedule while still delivering the best work possible.
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10 Major Barriers Keeping Donors from Giving and How to Overcome Them
10 Major Barriers Keeping Donors from Giving and How to Overcome Them is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, ten nonprofit executives identify the reasons why donors may be hesitant to donate, ranging from brand aesthetic to company-donor communication response time, and present ways to overcome them in 2019.
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3 Fundraising Myths Debunked
3 Fundraising Myths Debunked is an article written by Linda Lombardi for Network for Good . In the article, Lombardi identifies three compelling, but false, beliefs that have made their way into the world of nonprofit fundraising and puts them to rest.
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3 Online Fundraising Tips for Small Nonprofits
3 Online Fundraising Tips for Small Nonprofits is an article written by Abby Jarvis for Blue Avocado . The article describes how to best use digital fundraising tools to ease the workload of a small nonprofit’s staff – while raising more money in the process.
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3 Things You Should Not Do When Writing about Your Nonprofit
3 Things You Should Not Do When Writing about Your Nonprofit is an article written by Daniela McVicker for GuideStar . McVicker offers advice for how to better tell the nonprofit’s story without it costing the attention of potential donors.
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4 Ways to Show Genuine Gratitude
4 Ways to Show Genuine Gratitude, an article written by Linda Lombardi for Network for Good , discusses the importance of thankfulness as it relates to donor communication and describes four key ways to show appreciation for supporters.
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5 Technology Tips for a Better Fundraising Strategy
5 Technology Tips for a Better Fundraising Strategy is an article written by John Killoran for GuideStar . The article identifies five key fundraising technology best practices and strategies that can help an organization to engage and retain donors.
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6 Best Practices for Engaging Your Donors Year-Round
6 Best Practices for Engaging Your Donors Year-Round is an article written by Michael Stein for GrantSpace . In the article, Stein discusses the specific tactics that are needed to drive donor engagement year-round.
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8 Ways to Showcase to Funders Your Sustainability
8 Ways to Showcase to Funders Your Sustainability is an article written for The NonProfit Times . The article shares several ideas for how to best show that a funded program, or parts of it, will continue once a particular grant runs out.
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10 Lesser-Known Ways Nonprofits Can Generate Social Media Support
10 Lesser-Known Ways Nonprofits Can Generate Social Media Support is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, ten nonprofit executives share their top social media engagement strategies for spreading an organization’s mission and generating social media support.
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10 Strategies to Successfully Start, Fund and Run a Nonprofit Organization
10 Strategies to Successfully Start, Fund and Run a Nonprofit Organization, an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council , has ten nonprofit leaders share critical pieces of advice for those looking to establish a new nonprofit.
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An Executive Director’s Guide to Financial Leadership
There is a world of difference between financial management and financial leadership. Refocusing a nonprofit’s approach fiscal sustainability and agility is essential. Outlined in this expert guide are such activities as transforming annual budget analysis, deciding whether or not income diversification is appropriate, achieving a robust reserve, and equipping the board for effective financial governance.
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Cash Flow in the Nonprofit Business Model: A Question of Whats and Whens
Cash Flow in the Nonprofit Business Model: A Question of Whats and Whens is an article written by Hilda H. Polanco and John Summers for The Nonprofit Quarterly . The article discusses how cash flow impacts—and is impacted by—the way a nonprofit does business. Polanco and Summers also discuss the number one critical component of any business: day-to-day liquidity.
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Don’t Let Your Fundraising Strategy Go to Seed
Don’t Let Your Fundraising Strategy Go to Seed is an article written by Lyndal Frazier-Cairns for NTEN . The article outlines the steps one should take to keep a fundraising strategy alive and well during times of transformation.
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Five Social Media Mistakes to Avoid in 2019
Five Social Media Mistakes to Avoid in 2019 is an article written by Tereza Litsa for NTEN . In the article, Litsa details the best approach for staying creative and engaged in today’s fast-paced social media environment, and identifies the mistakes to avoid while doing so.
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Five Ways to Partner with Another Nonprofit for Marketing Wins
Five Ways to Partner with Another Nonprofit for Marketing Wins is an article written by Gloria Horsley for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, Horsley describes the many instances in which nonprofit partnerships can be used to stretch marketing efforts and create wins on both sides.
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From Risk Management to Risk Leadership: A Governance Conversation with David O. Renz
From Risk Management to Risk Leadership: A Governance Conversation with David O. Renz is an interview with The Editors and David O. Renz for The Nonprofit Quarterly . In the interview, nonprofit governance expert David Renz points out that it is not enough to “manage” risk; rather, modern nonprofit boards must learn to welcome and become intimate with it, because work in this sector has risk embedded at every level. And while many think of risk in predominantly financial terms, there are any number of risks taken that are born of omission rather than commission.
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Ground Your Proposals in Hope
Ground Your Proposals in Hope is an article written for The NonProfit Times . The article identifies what should and should not be the focus of a proposal and offers suggestions for how to best put together an authentic voice and well-documented case for support.
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High-Impact Volunteer Engagement: Six Factors for Success
High-Impact Volunteer Engagement: Six Factors for Success, an article written by Jackie Hodgson for GrantSpace , identifies six key factors that determine whether a nonprofit is ready to engage skills-based volunteers and why it must first be ready to do so.
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How to Collect Donor Data without Being Annoying
How to Collect Donor Data without Being Annoying is an article written by Rachel Clemens for NTEN . The article details some of the most critical pieces of data about donors, and identifies ways to obtain them without annoying the donor.
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How to Support Effective Dynamics in Nonprofit Executive Teams
How to Support Effective Dynamics in Nonprofit Executive Teams is an article written for The Bridgespan Group . A nonprofit executive team’s effectiveness is essential for an organization’s success, yet often these teams underperform for a variety of reasons. The article lays out five steps that can help nonprofit executive teams move from underperforming to high-performing in their work to advance their organizations’ missions.
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Leading for Mission Results: Connecting Leadership Beliefs with Predictable Changes
Leading for Mission Results: Connecting Leadership Beliefs with Predictable Changes is an article written by Tom Adams and Jeanne Bell for The Nonprofit Quarterly . In the article, Adams and Bell discuss the importance of broadening how leaders think about ways their nonprofit can make a difference, expand a leader’s capacity and speed up change for good.
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Nine Steps Nonprofit Organizations Can Take to Become Self-Funding
Nine Steps Nonprofit Organizations Can Take to Become Self-Funding is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, nine nonprofit leaders open up about their personal methods for creating self-funding models that can keep business in good stead for years to come.
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Organizing Your Board to Get Things Done
Organizing Your Board to Get Things Done is an article written by Dart Westphal for GrantSpace . The article identifies a number of questions one should ask when looking to align the board’s practices more closely to the needs of the organization’s mission.
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Seven Tried-And-True Alternative Forms of Funding for Nonprofits
Seven Tried-And-True Alternative Forms of Funding for Nonprofits is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . There are quite a few alternate forms of funding available for nonprofits, yet it can be difficult to know where to look, especially for those just starting out or located in particularly saturated areas. In the article, seven members of Forbes Nonprofit Council share some of the alternative funding sources they’ve tried and had success with.
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Should a Nonprofit Splurge on Management?
Should a Nonprofit Splurge on Management? is an article written by Kwame Anthony Appiah for The New York Times Magazine . The article identifies the considerations an organization should make when evaluating the importance of particular staff during difficult financial times.
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Tailor Your Communications for Greater Engagement
Tailor Your Communications for Greater Engagement is an article written by Linda Lombardi for Network for Good . Lombardi details how to best customize a communications strategy and discusses the importance of honing the tone of communications to fit a particular donor’s preferences.
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Tech Trends for Nonprofit Communicators in 2019
Tech Trends for Nonprofit Communicators in 2019 is an article written by Kivi Leroux Miller for NTEN . In the article, Miller identifies the key outcomes of the Nonprofit Communications Trend Report and discusses how they can benefit nonprofits.
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The 6 Stories Your Nonprofit Organization Should Tell
The 6 Stories Your Nonprofit Organization Should Tell is an article written by Samantha Christmann for The Buffalo News . Christmann outlines the six main stories every person in a nonprofit organization should be able to tell, whether they are an intern or a board member, in order to better market the nonprofit and raise funds.
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The Board–Chief Executive Partnership: Valuing Our Respective Lanes
The Board–Chief Executive Partnership: Valuing Our Respective Lanes, an article written by Ann Cohen for BoardSource , identifies the respective duties of the board and chief executive and details the ways in which they can best work together in a constructive partnership.
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Three Tips for Building a Better Nonprofit Board
Three Tips for Building a Better Nonprofit Board is an article written by Jack Kosakowski for Forbes Nonprofit Council . The article provides three tips for ensuring a nonprofit’s board of directors is as strong as it can be and can ultimately provide organizational success.
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Top Factors Expected to Influence Nonprofit Organizations In 2019
Top Factors Expected to Influence Nonprofit Organizations In 2019 is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . While it isn’t possible to perfectly predict the exact factors that will impact nonprofit organizations in 2019, those with experience in the industry have some informed ideas. In the article, nonprofit leaders each share the top three factors they expect to influence or change the way nonprofits function this year.
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Transform Your Volunteer Processes with These Five Tips
Transform Your Volunteer Processes with These Five Tips is an article written by Dhruv Khattar for NTEN . For those looking to streamline an organization’s volunteer management process, Khattar outlines a five-phase approach for deriving real, tangible outcomes.
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Want Compelling Stories? Make Friends with the People on Your Front Line
Want Compelling Stories? Make Friends with the People on Your Front Line is an article written by Kristy Hayter for NTEN . The article discusses the importance of building relationships within a nonprofit and finding storytelling champions for the organization. It is important to have champions and writers that understand why sharing stories is so impactful for supporters and donors.
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What I Learned as a Funder: Frank Tips for Nonprofits
What I Learned as a Funder: Frank Tips for Nonprofits is an article written by Catherine Crystal Foster for Blue Avocado . Foster, a former funder, offers a frank list of things she learned as a funder that she wishes she had understood better when fundraising from foundations. She discusses how nonprofits can be more successful in building relationships with funders if they step away from notions of distance and power differentials and view those across the table and reading their grants more as, well, people.
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What Will Nonprofits Look Like In 2025? Nine Experts Weigh In
What Will Nonprofits Look Like In 2025? Nine Experts Weigh In is an article written for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, a panel of Forbes Nonprofit Council members identify which factors they believe will influence or change the way an organization functions over the next several years.
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Why Your Nonprofit Needs to Consider Project Management
Why Your Nonprofit Needs to Consider Project Management is an article written by Stephen Jackson and Baily Maples for TechSoup . The article examines project management basics and illustrates some ways that even a little project management can go a long way at a nonprofit.
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A New Paradigm for Nonprofit Measurement
A New Paradigm for Nonprofit Measurement is an article written for Stanford Social Innovation Review . The article, accompanied by a video, discusses how the process of collecting feedback from constituents provides a much needed third dimension to nonprofit measurement practice.
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Applying for Grants: 10 Tips
Applying for Grants: 10 Tips is an article written for Sumac . The article offers 10 tips to follow when applying for grants, focused on how to maximize the chances that an organization stands out.
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Bridging The Gap: Eight Ways To Integrate Team Members Of All Generations
Bridging The Gap: Eight Ways To Integrate Team Members Of All Generations is an article written by an expert panel for Forbes Nonprofit Council . In the article, the experts of Forbes Nonprofit Council share their thoughts on how to integrate younger and older workers for the best outcome.
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Note : Appearance of activities, publications or organizations in these website listings does not constitute any type of endorsement from the Dwight Stuart Youth Fund. These listings are provided solely for informational purposes.